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Brandon Blanker Lim-it edited this page Aug 27, 2021 · 5 revisions
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Slab offers the ability for windows to be docked to a particular side of the viewport. These docked windows will be rendered on top of other windows and can be resized based on the dock position. These docked windows can also be untethered and return to be a floating state.


Below is a list of functions associated with the Dock API.


Enables the docking functionality for a particular side of the viewport.

Parameter Type Description
List String/Table A single item or list of items to enable for docking. The valid options are 'Left', 'Right', or 'Bottom'.


Disables the docking functionality for a particular side of the viewport.

Parameter Type Description
List String/Table A single item or list of items to disable for docking. The valid options are 'Left', 'Right', or 'Bottom'.


Set options for a dock type.

Parameter Type Description
Type String The type of dock to set options for. This can be 'Left', 'Right', or 'Bottom'.
Options Table List of options that control how a dock behaves.
Option Type Description
NoSavedSettings Boolean Flag to disable saving a dock's settings to the state INI file.


Programmatically set a window to a dock. Must be called within BeginWindow and EndWindow

Parameter Type Description
Type String The type of dock to set the window on. This can be 'Left', 'Right', or 'Bottom'.

Sample usage of WindowToDock:

--only once
local flag = false
local flag2 = false
local flag3 = false

--in update
	Slab.BeginWindow("test", {
		Title = "test",
		W = 320,
		if not flag then
			flag = true

	Slab.BeginWindow("test2", {
		Title = "test2",
		W = 160,
		if not flag2 then
			flag2 = true

	Slab.BeginWindow("test3", {
		Title = "test3",
		H = 120
		if not flag3 then
			flag3 = true

Window's W option is applied only to Left and Right docks while H for Bottom

(Note that in future release, storing of flags will be stored internally so users wont have to deal with it)

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