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coding_jackalope edited this page Aug 30, 2020 · 1 revision
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The messages system is a system for Slab to notify developers of issues or suggestions on aspects of the API. Functions or options may be deprecated or Slab may offer an alternative usage. The system is designed to notify the user only once to prevent any repeated output to the console if enabled. This system can be enabled at startup and the developer will have the ability to gather the messages to be displayed in a control if desired.


Below is a list of functions associated with the Messages API.


The messages system can be disabled through the 'args' table given to the Initialize function. If the string option 'NoMessages' exists in this table, the messages system will be disabled.


Retrieves a list of existing messages that has been captured by Slab.

Return Description
Table List of messages that have been broadcasted from Slab.
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