Hi, my name is Jamie, otherwise known as flare. Computer Applications & Software Engineering graduate from Dublin City University. My current interests mainly reside around Discord and integrating other features and automation of actions.
I work on various projects in my spare time, mainly surrounding Discord and bots. These projects are mostly relating to Red-DiscordBot and Ballsdex, a discord bot currently in over 250,000 servers. I work on projects on the side, some of which include:
- flare-cogs - Various cogs for Red-DiscordBot.
- pokecord-red - Pokecord rewrite for Red-DiscordBot.
- r6statsapi - Asynchronous python wrapper for the R6Stats website.
- lastfm-red - A last-fm cog for Red-DiscordBot.
- lastfm-charts/lastfm-backend - CHart visualization frontend + backend site for LastFM.
- dcuical - Generate an ICAL file of DCU course timetables, which can be integrated into applications such as Google Calendar.
Some information on my socials can be found @ www.jamiemcg.ie
- Discord: .flare.
- Email: jamie@jamiemcg.ie / flare@flaree.xyz / flare@ballsdex.com (for ballsdex related matters)