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Flatpak packaging for Delta Chat Desktop


If you'd like to locally build this flapak, you'll need both flatpak and flatpak-builder installed. E.g. on Debian you can run apt install flatpak flatpak-builder to install these tools. See for more information on this for your platform.

flatpak dependencies

If you haven't done so yet, you need to have flathub set up as a remote repository:

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists \

Building the application

To simply build the application in a build-directory invoke flatpak-builder pointing to the manifest:

flatpak-builder --install-deps-from=flathub build-dir

To install the local build you can add the --install flag. To upload the built application to a repository, which can just be a local directory, add the --repo=repo flag.

Uploading to flathub

Each commit to the master branch will result in a new release being published to flathub. So once a pull request is merged no more work needs to be done to publish the release.

Upgrade to new Release: Re-generating sources

To setup make sure this repo is checked out inside of it's own folder and there is no folder besides it (or the setup script might not do what it should).

Then run ./ (you also need nodejs min version 20 and python3)

to reset you can run rm -rf ../.venv/ ../deltachat-* ../flatpak-builder-tools/ But be careful as this could destroy your work if you haven't followed the instractions above correctly.

manual setup

install the flatpak-node-generator tool with pipx:

git clone
pip install pipx
pipx install flatpak-builder-tools/node

install nodejs version > 20

create a python virtual env and enter it, then install aiohttp

python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install aiohttp toml

Then edit (put in the tags/branches you want to update to) and run the script:


The script then gives you the commit hashes you should add to the build manifest, there you need to also specify branch/tag.

After that, build it locally (if your computer is likely faster than CI, so debugging locally is quicker).

rm -r build-dir/ || true && flatpak-builder --install-deps-from=flathub build-dir --ccache

--ccache enables sccache, which speeds up subsequent builds.

old docs, outdated, but might be helpful for understanding

Upgrading to a new release

Get hold of a newer version of the desktop app and the Rust binding, e.g. git fetch --tags. Check the newest tags out, so that their dependencies can be seen.

cd delta-chat-desktop
git fetch --tags
git checkout v1.13.0  # or whatever the latest tag is
cd delta-chat-rust
git fetch --tags
git checkout 1.46.0

Re-generating rust sources

Since flatpak does not allow the build to download things while building we have to resolve all the cargo dependencies statically beforehand. This is done by processing the Cargo.lock file into the generated-source-rust.json file:

python3 ../flatpak-builder-tools/cargo/ \
    -o generated-sources-rust.json \

Make sure you generate it from the correct downloaded release.

Re-generating npm sources

Since flatpak does not allow the build to download things while building we have to resolve all the npm dependencies beforehand. This is done by converting the package-lock.json, which should contain all the dependencies, into a manifest snipped suitabled for building flatpaks.

Upstream ships the package-lock.json file so it should not be necessary to generate it. However, sometimes the file is not updated in lockstep with package.json and then dependencies will be missing during build time. In that case, it's best to wait for upstream to provide the lock file, but it should be possible to run npm install to get the lockfile updated.

To create the generated-sources.json file you need a copy of the repository and install the flatpak-node-generator tool with pipx:

git clone
pip install pipx
pipx flatpak-builder-tools/node

Then invoke the node/ script, e.g.:

flatpak-node-generator -o generated-sources-npm.json -r npm ../deltachat-desktop/package-lock.json

This will produce the generated-sources-npm.json file which is referenced in the manifest. Because that file is quite big and Github seems to not like big files all too much, the generator offers a --split option, cf.