This is my Journal Web App for Chingu Tier 3.
The live site can be found here
- Site has both a backend and front end
- Responsive Design (works on all screen sizes)
- User Authentication
- Real Time Database via Google Firebase
The App allows users to sign up/login and start creating notes. All their data is protected via authentication with Google Firebase.
Users can add and/or delete as many notes as they wish. All the notes are stored in a database hosted by Google Firbebase.
The database is real time, meaning that as soon as the user creates or deletes a note, the database instantly updates.
The front-end was built with React.
The backend database and authentication was built with Google Firebase
The design was inspired by Google's Material Design philosphy.
- Git clone the Repo (click the green button on the right)
- cd into chingu-prework-tier3
- Run npm install
- Finally, npm start