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Kotlin Binary HTTP Implementation

This project is a Kotlin language implementation of the Binary HTTP format, according to RFC9292 "Binary Representation of HTTP Messages". It allows serializing OkHttp Request and Response into binary data and back from it. This allows for encoding HTTP messages that can be conveyed outside of the HTTP protocol, for example, to use in Oblivious HTTP.


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Serialize request

import okhttp3.Request

val binarySerializer: OkHttpBinarySerializer = OkHttpBinarySerializer.create()
val request: Request
val serializedRequest: RequestBinaryData = binarySerializer.serialize(request)
val serializedBinary: ByteArray =

Deserialize response

import okhttp3.Protocol
import okhttp3.Request
import okhttp3.Response

val binarySerializer: OkHttpBinarySerializer = OkHttpBinarySerializer.create()
val request: Request // original request
val protocol: Protocol
val responseBinary: ByteArray // serialized response

val deserializedResponse: Response = binarySerializer.deserialize(
    binaryData = ResponseBinaryData(responseBinary),
    protocol = protocol,
    request = request,

Feature support

Binary HTTP specification defines two formats of messages (meaning both requests and responses): Known-Length Messages and Indeterminate-Length Messages. Ideally, this library could support serialization and deserialization of both formats for both request and response. Current support is limited to _ Known-Length_ Messages only and two possible translations that are required by client applications:

  1. Serialization of OkOhttp Request into Known-Length Request
  2. Deserialization of OkOhttp Response from Known-Length Response

Supported translations matrix

Message Type To Binary From Binary
Known-Length Request supported X
Known-Length Response X supported
Indeterminate-Length Request X X
Indeterminate-Length Response X X


HTTP Fields encoding

This library uses ASCII to encode and decode string data for URL and HTTP header fields and their values. It does not implement automatic encoding of any non-ASCII characters into ASCII and will throw an error if it encounters any. In particular:

  • If a non-ASCII character is encountered in the URL or a header field (field name or value) of an URLRequest , RequestCreationError will be thrown, indicating the point of failure
  • If header data of a response cannot be decoded into String using ASCII, BinaryHTTPDecodingError.asciiDecodingError will be thrown If you still need to pass non-ASCII values, encode them into ASCII before calling this library. For example, use percent-encoding for request URLs, etc.


Released under MIT License.