docker-compose up
This will bring up one MySQL master and three replicas along side three orchestrator nodes in HA (Raft)
$ docker-compose exec orchestrator1 resources/bin/orchestrator-client -c topology --alias db1
db1:3306 [0s,ok,5.7.22-log,rw,ROW,P-GTID]
+ db2:3306 [0s,ok,5.7.22-log,rw,ROW,>>,P-GTID]
+ db3:3306 [0s,ok,5.7.22-log,rw,ROW,>>,P-GTID]
+ db4:3306 [0s,ok,5.7.22-log,rw,ROW,>>,P-GTID]
docker-compose up orchestrator1
Once orchestrator and haproxy is running it can be accessed through the following URL.
This will only proxy to the current Raft leader