Project to identify phenotypes occurring in flora files.
There are three components:
- ParseFloraFile is the original piece of code generated at the pro-iBiosphere Hackathon in Leiden. It will find PO and PATO terms in flora gabon and malaysia.
- Lucene-based indexing: this is a refactoring of the original code that uses the Lucence indexes and analyzers.
- MakePlantPhenotypeOntology generates a phenotype ontology from the generated descriptions.
- DeprecateDumbClasses deprecates all unsatisfiable classes; this script needs to be run after adding axioms (e.g., a GCI) that makes classes that could not exist in FLOPO unsatisfiable. Useful when adding
has-part some (owl:Thing and has-quality some 'process quality') SubClassOf: owl:Nothing
or similar axioms.
The resulting ontology is available under a CC-0 license in the ontology
folder. All code is available under the BSD license.