Simple and intuitive tool to store credentials with 128 bit AES in Galois/Counter mode in a SQLite3 database. Supports different keys for different passwords. GUI coming soon.
There are two main modes, interactive and non-interactive. Interactive is self-explanatory. For non-interactive:
usage: python3 [-h] [-s] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [-w WEBSITE]
[-r] [-k KEY]
Store credentials with AES Galois/Counter mode 128b encryption. You can also
use different master keys to encrypt and decrypt different passwords in the
same database. Do not add arguments for interactive mode
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s, --store Store the credentials in the database
-u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
Username to encrypt
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
Password to encrypt
-w WEBSITE, --website WEBSITE
Website/company/usage of the credentials (unencrypted)
-r, --read Read the current database with a master key
-k KEY, --key KEY Master key used to unencrypt some/all the credentials
Example usage:
$python3 --store -u Test -p Var -w Google -k TestVar123456789
$python3 --read -k TestVar123456789