This is our Android water reporting application for CS 2340 Objects and Design at Georgia Tech.
We will create an application that supports finding clean drinking water and reporting on testing results. In many parts of the world, access to clean water is a severe problem. Many times, water is available, but people do not know where to get it. Other times, water may appear clean, but has unacceptable levels of contaminants.
Even in areas where there is a lack of clean water, the population has access to devices on which applications can run. Most of these devices are smart phones so we will be writing an Android application.
Our application will allow water reporting to crowd sourced. People can report on locations where water is available. Users of the application can find the nearest water source or report on a new water source. Workers with test kits will also be able to report on contaminant levels. The application will provide historical graphs to show variations in water quality over time for a specific location.