Go to Certificate Manager service and select "Provision Certificates" ----> "Get Started"
Click on "Request a public certificate" and hit the "Request Certificate"
- Add domain names : "[your donamin name].net" (naked domain name) and click next
- Select validation method : "DNS validation"
- Add tags : Skip this part
- Review and click "Comfirm and Request"
To complete the process click "Continue" button
On Certificates page Click on your newly created certificate.
Status >>> Domain >>> [your donamin name]
Then at the bottom of the page click "Create record in Route 53" button.
Click "create" on the pop-up menu.
It takes a while to be ready.
- Go to S3 service and create a bucket with domain name: "[your donamin name].net"
- Public Access Enabled
- Upload Files named "index.html" and "ryu.jpg" in "v1" folder
- Permissions>>> Bucket Policy >>> Paste bucket Policy
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "PublicReadGetObject",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": "*",
"Action": "s3:GetObject",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::please paste your ARN name/*"
- Preporties>>> Set Static Web Site >>> Enable >>> Index document : index.html
First of all we need to copy endpoint of S3 static website bucket.
Go to the S3 service click on S3 static website bucket >>> Properties >>> Static Web Hosting >>> Copy the endpoint (without https://).
Go to CloudFront service and select "Create distribution"
Select a delivery method for your content: Choose "Web" option and click on "Get Started"
Create Distribution :
Origin Settings:
- Origin Domain Name: Paste the "endpoint" (without https://) of the S3 bucket
Default Cache Behavior Settings
- Viewer Protocol Policy: Select "Redirect HTTP to HTTPS"
Distribution Settings
- Alternate Domain Names (CNAMEs): [your donamin name]
- SSL Certificate: Select "Custom SSL Certificate (example.com)" >>> select your newly created certificate
Leave the other settings as default.
Click "Create Distribution".
It may take some time distribution to be deployed. (Check status of distribution to be "Deployed")
When it is deployed, copy the "Domain name" of the distribution.
click your Domain name's public hosted zone
click "create record"
select "simple routing" ---> Next
click "Define simple record"
Record Name: None
Value/Route traffic to:
- Alias to CloudFront distribution endpoint
- US East (N.Virginia) [us-east-1]
- choose your CloudFront distribution endpoint
Record Type : A
hit the define simple record
Select newly created record's flag and hit the "create record" tab seen bottom
go to the target domain name "[your DNS name].net" on browser
check it si working with "https protocol"
show the content of web page.
Step-1 - Invalidation
Go to your S3 bucket hosting the website and put the "ryu.jpg" file in the "v2" folder (not in v1) to your bucket.
Go to the target domain name "[your DNS name].net" on browser and notice the image has't been changed.
Go to the CloudFront Menu and select the newly created distribution.
Select the subsection of "Invalidation" tab and click "Create Invalidation"
On the opening page enter "/ryu.jpg" and click "Invalidate".
After the invalidation process is completed, check the website and notice the image is updates now.
Step-2 - Geo Restriction
Go to the CloudFront Menu and select the newly created distribution.
Select the subsection of "Restriction" tab >>> Geo Restriction >>> Edit
Enable Geo-Restriction : Yes
Restriction Type : Black List
Countries : US-United States >>> Add
Click "Yes Edit"
After the restriction process is completed, check the website and notice the webpage is blocked.