Transform stream factory to calculate the cumulative sum of a numeric data stream.
$ npm install flow-csum
To create a stream factory,
var sumStream = require( 'flow-csum' );
// Create a new factory:
var sStream = sumStream();
This method is a setter/getter. If no value
is provided, returns the initial sum value
. To set the initial sum,
sStream.sum( 100 );
To create a new sum stream,
var stream =;
Methods are chainable.
.sum( 100 )
.pipe( /* writable stream */ );
var eventStream = require( 'event-stream' ),
sStream = require( 'flow-csum' );
// Create some data...
var data = new Array( 1000 );
for ( var i = 0; i < data.length; i++ ) {
data[ i ] = Math.random();
// Create a readable stream:
var readStream = eventStream.readArray( data );
// Create a new sum stream:
var stream = sStream().stream();
// Pipe the data:
readStream.pipe( stream )
.pipe( function( d, clbk ) {
clbk( null, d.toString()+'\n' );
.pipe( process.stdout );
To run the example code from the top-level application directory,
$ node ./examples/index.js
Unit tests use the Mocha test framework with Chai assertions.
Assuming you have installed Mocha, execute the following command in the top-level application directory to run the tests:
$ mocha
All new feature development should have corresponding unit tests to validate correct functionality.
Copyright © 2014. Athan Reines.