Convert this awsome gem to an mountable engine
We have felt the pain of integrating static pages into a Rails application. There are plenty of gems available for this (Radiant, Locomotiv, etc.) but they are very heavy for what we need.
So, we built FeatherCMS. As the name suggests, its a Do-It-Yourself, lightweight CMS - just pages, caching and nothing more!
git clone feather_cms
cd feather_cms/spec/dummy
bundle install
rake feather_cms:install:migrations
rake db:create
rake db:migrate
rails s
Add the gem to your Gemfile
gem 'feather_cms', git: git://, branch: 'engine'
Add the routes:
mount FeatherCms::Engine => "/feather_cms"
Install the migrations && migrate
rake feather_cms:install:migrations
rake db:migrate
Restart the server && go to
Now, generate the pages
# this fork only uses pages from DB
- page show view should be available on root route, not namespaced within engine namespace.
- add authentication
- add rake tasks to generate static sites for db & file system
- check cashing
- add template_types
- cleanup unused code from lib
- check page preview stragedy
Fork away and send me pull requests!
The MIT license