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flyadive edited this page Dec 12, 2017 · 1 revision

Welcome to the RPi-Temp-Humidity wiki! I am totally new to programming and PYTHON. I wish to create a program to run on the RPi 3 The program will have 2 Temperature / Humidity sensors (DTH 11). I want to be able to: 1 - Collect the date from each sensor at the same time or at least with in a second or two of each other. 2 - Be able to specify the interval between each data recording, such as 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes or 60 minutes. 3 - Have a RAMP UP data recording time. That means collect the data when first turned on at say 5 minute intervals till the temp stabilizes and then at 15 minute intervals until the DAY PERIOD (1, 5, 10, 30 days) has been reached. 4 - The DAY PERIOD also has to be selectable in any interval such as stated above. 5 - The DATA has to be usable or easily convertible for EXCEL to import. I require the data in a format so a GRAPH can be created. 6 - The data is to be stored on a THUMB DRIVE/MEMORY STICK. 7 - ALL DATA must be STORED so if there is a power failure data will NOT be lost. 8 - Loss of power RESTARTS the program... Automatic Program Boot <-- IF POSSIBLE???

HELP! ! !

Thank You, Barry

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