A few lines of code that show how you to create a streaming proxy using http-kit and clj-http.
If you want to create a proxy server that let's you use Clojure to write custom rules for transforming requests or responses, then this could be useful to you. Also check out aleph.
http-kit can be used as a proxy out of the box, but it has to fully receive responses from downstream servers before sending them to the client. This can be a problem if you need large volumes of data to go through the proxy. By using clj-http, you can send the downstream server's response as it reaches the proxy server.
Using the two together proved a little tricky, however, with a bunch of little tweaks to the requests and responses (and a fun excursion into the land of byte buffers) so that http-kit and clj-http would play nicely together. This code takes care of all that for you.
is a ring-compatible request
handler that takes care of sending a request using clj-http and
handing the response back to http-kit. It expects a value for
in the ring request; therefore, you'll need to
create middleware that adds :streaming-proxy-url
to the ring
request. Below is code that will create an example application. The
code was taken from
the Midje tests, and you might
find it useful to make your way through those.
(defn proxy-response-handler
(if (>= (:status res) 400)
(merge res {:body (str "Downstream error: " (slurp (io/reader (:body res))))})
(defn proxy-wrapper
[handler endpoint-port]
#(handler (merge % {:streaming-proxy-url (str "http://localhost:" endpoint-port (:uri %))
:streaming-proxy-response-handler proxy-response-handler
:timeout 1000})))
(defn proxy-app
(proxy-wrapper sp/proxy-handler endpoint-port))
(def app (proxy-app 9001))
(org.httpkit.server/run-server app {:port 9000})
The proxy server is running on http://localhost:9000. Visit that, and
the proxy will forward requests to http://localhost:9001. The function
modifies downstream responses by prepending
"Downstream error:"
to a response's body if the status is 400 or
greater. The proxy handler knows about proxy-response-handler
to proxy-wrapper
, which sets :streaming-response-handler
in the Ring request map. proxy-wrapper
assocs in the :timeout
key, and this is used by clj-http
. The ring
request map is passed to clj-http
with only a few modifications; you
can control clj-http
by modifying the request map.
- Address the fact that
is a magic number. Not sure how to handle it, though.
Copyright © 2015 Daniel Higginbothama
Licensed under the MIT license