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A double-row PMOD module that provides four push-button and four slide switch data inputs.

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This PMOD provides four slide switch and four touch-button inputs to FPGA designs via a single double-row PMOD. The four slide switches can be individually disabled through two sets of jumpers (J2 and J3, signal S1-S4). This can free up IO pins on the IceBreaker v1.0 board if only push-buttons are needed. The Icebreaker has only 24 multi-purpose IO, which creates a challenge for advanced designs. Push buttons use inverse logic, the button press creates a "LOW" signal.


TSLIDE4 PMOD Schematics

PCB Gerber

20200301 TSLIDE4 Gerber v1.1

Pin Assignments

IceBreaker v1.0

TSLIDE4 PMOD, connected to a Icebreaker v1.0 board

J1# Label Description PMOD1A PMOD1B PMOD2
1 SW1 Slide Switch1 4 43 27
2 SW2 Slide Switch2 2 38 25
3 SW3 Slide Switch3 47 34 21
4 SW4 Slide Switch4 45 31 19
7 PB1 Push Button1 3 42 26
8 PB2 Push Button2 48 36 23
9 PB3 Push Button3 46 32 20
10 PB4 Push Button4 44 28 18


The connection to Intels DE0-Nano-SoC is made through the pmod2nano adapter.


J1# Label Description GPIO0A GPIO0B GPIO1A GPIO1B
1 PB1 Push Button1 PIN_W12 PIN_AF4 PIN_AA15 PIN_AH23
2 PB2 Push Button2 PIN_Y8 PIN_AF5 PIN_AG26 PIN_AE19
3 PB3 Push Button3 PIN_W8 PIN_T13 PIN_AF23 PIN_AD19
4 PB4 Push Button4 PIN_Y5 PIN_AE7 PIN_AF21 PIN_AE24
7 SW1 Slide Switch1 PIN_AF8 PIN_AG6 PIN_AH27 PIN_AG23
8 SW2 Slide Switch2 PIN_AB4 PIN_AE4 PIN_AH24 PIN_AF18
9 SW3 Slide Switch3 PIN_Y4 PIN_T11 PIN_AE22 PIN_AE20
10 SW4 Slide Switch4 PIN_U11 PIN_AF6 PIN_AG20 PIN_AD20

Example Code


Below is a test program to verify the correct function of the TSLIDE4 PMOD. The programm assumes an additional 8LED2 PMOD connected to show LED output.

The design links the four slide switches with LED D1-D4 in green color, and the four push button switches with LED D5-D8 in red color.

Operating the switches simply turns the corresponding LED on or off.

Verilog test program pmod_tslide4_1.v (top-level):

// -------------------------------------------------------
// This program tests HW pin assignment for TSlide4 pmods
// -------------------------------------------------------
module pmod_tslide4_1 (
  input SW1,
  input SW2,
  input SW3,
  input SW4,
  input PB1,
  input PB2,
  input PB3,
  input PB4,
  output reg [0:7] pmodledg,
  output reg [0:7] pmodledr

  // pmodledg[0] = 1'b1;  // light up D1
  pmodledg[0] = SW1;
  pmodledg[1] = SW2;
  pmodledg[2] = SW3;
  pmodledg[3] = SW4;
  pmodledr[7] = ~PB1;
  pmodledr[6] = ~PB2;
  pmodledr[5] = ~PB3;
  pmodledr[4] = ~PB4;


This is Verilog test program pmod_tslide4_1.v converted to VHDL as pmod_tslide4_2.vhd

-- -------------------------------------------------------
-- This program tests HW pin assignment for TSlide4 pmods
-- -------------------------------------------------------
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity pmod_tslide4_2 is
port ( SW1: in STD_LOGIC := '1';
       SW2: in STD_LOGIC := '1';
       SW3: in STD_LOGIC := '1';
       SW4: in STD_LOGIC := '1';
       PB1: in STD_LOGIC := '1';
       PB2: in STD_LOGIC := '1';
       PB3: in STD_LOGIC := '1';
       PB4: in STD_LOGIC := '1';
  pmodledg: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 7) := "00000000";
  pmodledr: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(0 to 7) := "00000000"
end pmod_tslide4_2;

architecture arch of pmod_tslide4_2 is
  -- pmodledg(0) <= '1';  // light up D1
  pmodledg(0) <= SW1;
  pmodledg(1) <= SW2;
  pmodledg(2) <= SW3;
  pmodledg(3) <= SW4;

  pmodledr(4) <= NOT PB1;
  pmodledr(5) <= NOT PB2;
  pmodledr(6) <= NOT PB3;
  pmodledr(7) <= NOT PB4;
end arch;


A double-row PMOD module that provides four push-button and four slide switch data inputs.







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