This file includes ideas to help leverage your community on launch day.
Looking for inspiration? See examples here.
- Download or copy the raw file or duplicate this Notion page ↗︎
- Import or paste it to your fav tool (Notion, Google Docs...)
- Fill out the inputs. All set!
TL,DR: Hello there! We just launched on Product Hunt. We need your support!
We know how difficult it is to write from scratch. So, here's some inspiration to help you spread the word. Thanks a million!
Here's what you can do to help:
Support us on Product Hunt and give us your feedback.
You can write your own, or copy some samples below. Feel free to ask questions. Below are some key messaging elements you can include.
- [insert link here]
- [insert link here]
- [insert link here]
The best way to share the launch on 𝕏 is to Like/ Repost/ Quote this:
- [insert link here]
Hi there!
Today, PRODUCT — DESCRIPTION — is launching on Product Hunt.
The team would really appreciate your support. Check out their page:
- Share the link to the launch on social, email, and beyond. Don't explicitly ask for upvotes or spam with cold DMs and emails. Keep it genuine.
Looking for inspiration? See examples here.