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The challenge at a glance

  • The fundamental operation required by the challenge is to extract aggregate information from a prescription table, using its drug_name field
  • If I were to implement it without the challenge restrictions, using e.g. pandas, this would mean a groupby operation on the drug_name column, followed by an aggregate operation, using sum on drug_cost and nunique on prescriber_id
  • Another Python solution, similar to the previous one but without using pandas, would be to read the CSV file to a SQLite database table, and then issuing a GROUP BY query using the SUM and COUNT DISTINCT aggregation functions.


General Architecture

  • I used a row-based paradigm, supported by classes (Prescription and DrugSummary) to represent the fundamental domain data units. The main advantages of this approach:
    • Easy to read, and naturally domain-aligned: natural correspondence input line <-> table record <-> Python object
    • Easy to write: CSV files in Python are read and written line-by-line, and record instances can naturally be serialized to/from tuples
    • Numpy and pandas are primarily column-oriented, among other reasons, for performance. Implementing a column-based framework for the purpose of the challenge did not seem to be a good idea, especially for the purpose of this challenge (since no explicit performance targets were given), but also in general (reinventing the wheel, unless of course there were particular requirements to do so)
  • Since the problem presents a natural high degree of coupling between the data (the values in the record fields) and operations on the data, classes were used instead of a non-OO approach using plain dict instances and free functions

Prescription class

  • Its instances represent records in the input table
  • I exploited the fact that, once converted, its data attributes are immutable for its implementation as a namedtuple from the collections module in the Python standard library (plus additional functionality)

DrugSummary class

  • Its instances represent records in the output table
  • A namedtuple could not be used in this case, because the data attributes are mutated after instantiation. I used the __slots__ class attribute to freeze the data attributes, for the purpose of explicitly enforcing constraints on the API, and helping reducing memory usage for each instance (at least 15%, from a cursory A/B comparison using the Python module memory_profiler)

Table-like data structure

  • The table_drugs data structure is implemented as a defaultdict variant with a DrugSummary class as its default factory, so that indexing ([]/__getitem__) fetches or creates the corresponding record (semantically similar to an UPSERT operation in database terms). The automatic insertion of drug_name in the DrugSummary instances keeps the keys of table_drugs in sync with its values, establishing a rough conceptual correspondence keys -> table index, values -> table rows/records

Data Quality

  • I implemented basic functionality to ensure proper treatment of invalid data
  • In absence of an example of a real-world "dirty" dataset, only basic assumptions can be made about how defensive the conditions should be. Considering only the specific task required in the challenge, it seems sufficiently robust to inexact data, e.g. if there are transactions where the drug name is not given, these will automatically be grouped together; similarly with prescribers
    • On the other hand, the aggregated results will be not correct if the same drug is recorded with different names. In database terms, this could be addressed by using normalized tables (e.g. a drugs table and a prescribers table) and encoding the relation between them using unique identifiers (primary keys), e.g. storing drug_id in the prescriptions dataset instead of drug_name
  • Without explicit requirements for invalid data, my approach is to notify the location and the nature of the error, and skip the corresponding record. In the current version, the notification is printed to stdout. This can be modified using a different LOG_SKIPPED function
  • The "conversion" (converting the raw types given by the input format reader to domain-appropriate ones) and the "validation" (deciding if a record should be processed in the analysis) steps are conceptually separate (although there is some amount of overlap), so I keep them separate in the code as well. The criteria for validation belong logically both to the input record and the analysis being performed, so they are implemented as an independent function rather then as a method of the Prescription class
  • A failed deserialization or conversion is propagated to the client as a ValueError exception
  • Among the possible erroneous data types considered:
    • Wrong number of values, potentially caused by missing separators in the input file
    • Non-numeric input values when numeric values are expected
    • Null values (as exemplified in the is_valid_stricter() validator)

Source layout

  • I decided to separate different parts of the project as a Python package pharmacy_counting comprising a few modules:
    • util contains all common utilities
    • config contains common settings, that can be accessed and imported by other modules
    • data contains the model classes, as well as the data-specific functions
    • run contains the actual operations in the analysis
  • NOTA BENE: this package structure requires an additional step when invoking the run module, i.e. adding the src/ directory to the Pythonpath (this is done in the script, by adding that directory to the PYTHONPATH environment variable)
    • This is not needed when installing the package using e.g.

Miscellaneous Remarks


  • When representing currency, using floating point numeric types (float in Python) is discouraged. Having never dealt with money in a production environment, my first choice would be to research best practices and/or libraries to deal with currency, at the level required for the application. Under the challenge restrictions, I chose to use the Decimal class from the decimal module in the Python standard library for fixed-point computation
  • A lower-level alternative would be to represent the smallest currency unit (in case of USD, 0.01 USD) as ints, and then multiply or divide (in case of USD, by 100) opportunely. For this particular application it would be OK (since only sums are involved), but unexpected results may occur if dealing with multiplication or division. Again, the optimal implementation depends by the precision needed by the application
  • There can be a potential inconsistency when the result of a cost computation is a round number. In the default test provided, the costs are expressed in whole dollars (i.e. 200 USD shows up as 200), but when computing a larger amount of prescriptions, the probability of it having a whole dollar result is low (naively, 1/100 = 1%). This can create ambiguity and/or inconsistency when e.g. displaying 200 instead of 200.00. If the application requires consistency in this case, a variant of serialize_currency can be used to explicitly write the amount in cents even for whole dollar amounts

Running on the large dataset (24M rows)

  • I successfully ran the analysis on the large dataset provided, but because of the large size I did not include the dataset in the directories provided
  • Without careful profiling and optimization, the performance seems acceptable: the runtime (single-threaded) is about 2--3 minutes, and the memory consumption of about 2--3 GB
  • There are several names (both prescriber_first_name and prescriber_last_name) that contain single quotes (') characters. This might require extra attention/quoting. Most CSV dialects or variants use double quotes for quoting, so they should not pose a problem for the purpose of the challenge. If the original dataset is not
  • The id field of the input file (prescription table) is not unique to each line. It seems to be an integer, compatible with a timestamp (UNIX epoch), thus readable as a datetime object, however I refused the temptation to guess and did not include this information in the code (it was in any case not needed)

Additional unit tests

In addition to the ones in the insight_testsuite, additional unit tests are available in the tests subdirectory. The tests require pytest to run (pip install pytest; pytest -v


In other words, what would I do differently?

  • Of course, the most important input to decide on any further extension or modification to the code are the requirements of further analysis
  • An extension of the class-based approach used could lead to an ORM-like implementation, where:
    • all the domain logic is concentrated in Model subclasses
    • Records are represented as model class instances, stored and managed transparently from the client, and are accessed in the client from class instances with e.g. a Model.get_or_create(primary_key) class method The advantage is that the API would be a bit cleaner, and would allow e.g. to optimize or rearrange the "backend" (the layout of the database table equivalent, at the moment, a subclass of a Python dict) independently of the analysis code. However, this requires careful consideration, both to research the best architecture to implement it, and most importantly to decide whether the added complexity would actually be worth the flexibility: for this reason, I did not progress further with this idea.
  • One could argue that the separation between the data and run modules, or, more conceptually, areas, is somewhat porous, and should be researched more carefully
    • If the workflow of potential future analyses is similar, the I/O operations could be factored out, and possibly moved to a Tablelike interface in the Model classes
  • To improve performance, the necessary step is to profile the code carefully, and only then tackle clear performance hotspots
    • In general, were the profiling results to show that this is a CPU-bound operation, one approach could be to use parallel processing using Python multiprocessing to exploit all available processors on a multicore machine
    • This is an "embarassingly parallel" algorithm, since there is no dependency in the input data, but the necessity of merging partial aggregation operation could introduce a potentially significant overhead
    • From the point of view of the code, this would require splitting the input lines between the desired worker units, each producing a table_drugs instance, and then implement an additional function to merge them to a single table


Results of running with the large (24M rows) dataset

> /usr/bin/time -v ./
        Command being timed: "./"
        User time (seconds): 153.61
        System time (seconds): 1.74
        Percent of CPU this job got: 99%
        Elapsed (wall clock) time (h:mm:ss or m:ss): 2:35.38
        Average shared text size (kbytes): 0
        Average unshared data size (kbytes): 0
        Average stack size (kbytes): 0
        Average total size (kbytes): 0
        Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 2468256
        Average resident set size (kbytes): 0
        Major (requiring I/O) page faults: 13
        Minor (reclaiming a frame) page faults: 709591
        Voluntary context switches: 147
        Involuntary context switches: 656
        Swaps: 0
        File system inputs: 2268280
        File system outputs: 152
        Socket messages sent: 0
        Socket messages received: 0
        Signals delivered: 0
        Page size (bytes): 4096
        Exit status: 0


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