Telegram Remote-Shell is a Golang script that let you comunicate with your Linux server using a Telegram Bot
This repo is a re-make of my original Python script created a few years ago here
- Linux OS (tested on Ubuntu 20.04 and Centos 7)
- Telegram Bot created using @BotFather
- Packages required: jq
- (Optional packages used): nmap, dig, mtr, net-tools (netstat)
Before setup:
Chat with BotFather in order to create a Bot ( ), just launch the command /newbot and get your Telegram Token.
Open the bot chat and send some messages to activate the bot. -
Launch this oneliner+script on your Linux system (where the bot will be running as a service):
git clone /home/trsh/ && cd /home/trsh/ && bash
You will be asked to insert your Telegram Bot Token acquired on the first step and then follow the quick installation wizard.
The script will gather your chat-id based on the last unread message you send to the bot on the first step.
After you finished the installation the Golang script binary will run as a system service with systemd (trsh.service).
- /dig - Resolve the given domain, supports RR.. example /dig A or /dig MX
- /mtr - Execute a mtr with a following report
- /nmap - Execute a nmap -Pn -A
- /curl - Execute a curl request
- /whois - Whois lookup
- /sysinfo - Display generic system information (disk usage, network & memory)
- /sh - Execute a command with Bash.. example /sh cat namefile , /sh ps auxf | grep ssh
The following scripts are tested on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, Centos 7 and marked as working.
Inside this repo you will find a prepared Docker image to build and use in order to run trsh-go:
- Build the image:
docker build -t trsh .
- Run the docker image and specify your ENV vars (below an example):
docker run -d -e TGBOT_TOKEN="123456789:qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcb" -e TGBOT_CHATID="12345678" trsh-go
- Chat with your Bot
Feel free to open issues or contact me directly
Code distributed under MIT licence.