Badank, the dankest baduk tournament manager!
Badank is a simple tournament manager, comparable to twogtp. It can let 2 or more Go/Baduk programs battle (as long as they "speak" GTP). On a multicore system, it can multiple games in parallel. The result is a an sgf-file (for further analysis) and a pgn-file. The pgn-file only contains the results and is created for processing with BayesElo and/or Ordo.
I use it myself to verify if a change to my Go program made it play better (or worse) ELO-wise.
Required: cmake & libconfig++-dev
When clone'ing, use --recursive as there's glicko2 submodule used.
- mkdir build
- cd build
- cmake ..
- make
Configuration takes place in badank.cfg. Check it; you'll figure it out yourself most likely.
You can select a different configuration-file by adding it to the command line.
(c) 2021-2023 by Folkert van Heusden
Released under MIT license.