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Anchors is a utility library for position anchoring. It helps you create floating element interactions like tooltips, popovers, and dropdowns, using the time-tested position solver of Floating UI.

import React from 'react';
import {computePosition, roundByDPR, shift} from '@folz/anchors';
import {useAtomValue} from 'jotai';
import {mouseCoords$} from './atoms';

 * A layout component anchored to track the mouse cursor position.
export const Mousetip = (props: Props) => {
  const ref = React.useRef<HTMLSpanElement>(null);
  const mouseCoords = useAtomValue(mouseCoords$);

  React.useLayoutEffect(() => {
    if (!ref.current) return;

    const {x, y} = computePosition(mouseCoords, ref.current, {
      placement: 'top',
      middleware: [shift({crossAxis: true})],

    Object.assign(, {
      top: `0px`,
      left: `0px`,
      transform: `translate(${roundByDPR(x)}px, ${roundByDPR(y)}px)`,
  }, [mouseCoords]);

  return <span ref={ref}>{props.children}</span>;

type Props = React.PropsWithChildren<{}>;
export const mouseCoords$ =
import {atom} from 'jotai';
import {radEventListener} from 'rad-event-listener';

export const mouse$ = atom({x: 0, y: 0});
mouse$.onMount = (setAtom) =>
  radEventListener(window, 'mousemove', ({clientX: x, clientY: y}) => {
    setAtom({x, y});

export const mouseCoords$ = atom((get) => {
  const {x, y} = get(mouse$);

  return {
    getBoundingClientRect() {
      return {width: 0, height: 0, x, y, left: x, right: x, top: y, bottom: y};


Anchoring a floating element's onto another element means the floating element's position should be relative to the position of that other UI element. On the web, implementing this is....challenging.

Anchors deals with the tricky bits for you, giving you useful positioning utilities built on Floating UI that handle scrolling, overflow, positioning, layout, and much more.


npm install @folz/anchors
npm install @folz/anchors-react
# or
yarn add @folz/anchors
yarn add @folz/anchors-react
# or
pnpm install @folz/anchors
pnpm install @folz/anchors-react

You can either start by reading the Floating UI tutorial, which teaches you how to use the library by building a basic tooltip, or you can jump right into the Floating UI API documentation. To translate to Anchors APIs, you'll mostly need to replace awaits and Promises in examples with a synchronous equivalent.

Anchors-specific documentation is coming soon™.


This project is a monorepo written in TypeScript using pnpm workspaces. The website is using Next.js SSG and Tailwind CSS for styling.

  • Fork and clone the repo
  • Install dependencies in root directory with pnpm install
  • Build initial package dist files with pnpm run build


pnpm --filter "@folz/anchors" run dev in the root will launch the @folz/anchors development visual tests at http://localhost:1234. The playground uses React to write each test route, bundled by Vite.

Each route has screenshots taken of the page by Playwright to ensure all the functionalities work as expected; this is an easy, reliable and high-level way of testing the positioning logic.

Below the main container are UI controls to turn on certain state and options. Every single combination of state is tested visually via the snapshots to cover as much as possible.


Anchors is a fork of Floating UI. At a high level:

  • Anchors is synchronous:

    const {x, y,} = computePosition({
      /* ... */
  • Floating UI is asynchronous:

      /* ... */
    }).then(({x, y,}) => {
      /* ... */
    // or
    const {x, y,} = await computePosition({
      /* ... */
  • Anchors removes Floating UI's "platform" abstraction. It targets DOM APIs directly

  • Anchors will probably not support React Native

    • Floating UI currently supports React Native
    • Removing React Native was the tradeoff that enabled a synchronous API
      • This also meant we could remove some abstraction layers, which means Anchors runs less code per computePosition()
      • (This is pretty much the main difference between the projects.)
  • Anchors currently does not support Vue

    • Floating UI currently supports Vue
    • Anchors should be able to support Vue in the future

Behavior parity with Floating UI

Anchors will aim to keep behavior parity with Floating UI by cherry-picking new Floating UI changes into this repository. If you experience a difference in behavior between Anchors and Floating UI, please open an issue.




A popper.js-like library to position "anchored" or "floating" UI elements in configurable ways






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