dotnet core version of SuperSocket. Pick up socket communication logic from SuperSocket, and exclude command concept.
- Create SocketServerBase object
- Add handler for new client connection.
- Start the socket server object.
- Implement the handler of new client connection.
- Add handler for receiving message.
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
SocketServerBase server = new SocketServerBase();
server.NewClientAccepted += Server_NewClientAccepted;
Console.WriteLine("enter any key to exit.");
private static void Server_NewClientAccepted(Socket client, ISocketSession session)
Console.WriteLine("----- new client ------------");
AsyncSocketSession ass = session as AsyncSocketSession;
ass.SetReceiveHandler(arg =>
Console.WriteLine("----- new receive ------------");
string received = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(arg.Buffer, arg.Offset, arg.BytesTransferred);