Anubis is a simple minimalist theme for Hugo blog engine.
- Pagination
- Tags/Categories support
- Archive
- Mobile support
- Google Analytics
- Disqus
- RSS feeds
- Translations (en, ru, fr, pl)
- Multilingual mode
- Robots.txt
- Favorite posts
- Pagination on post single page
Inside the folder of your Hugo site run:
$ git submodule add themes/anubis
For more information read the official setup guide of Hugo.
After installing the theme successfully it requires a just a few more steps to get your site running.
If you have toml config (which is by default), you should rename it to config.yaml or adapt this config for toml syntax.
Example of config.yaml:
languageCode: "en-us"
baseUrl: ""
title: "Anubis"
theme: "anubis"
paginate: 10
disqusShortname: yourdiscussshortname
googleAnalytics: UA-123-45
enableRobotsTXT: true
- identifier: archive
name: Archive
title: Archive
url: /posts/
weight: 0
author: ""
description: ""
- images/og-featured.png # relative path to "static" directory
- css/my.css # relative path to "static" directory
dateFormat: "2006-01-02"
paginationSinglePost: true
unsafe: true # enable raw HTML in Markdown
In order to see your site in action, run Hugo's built-in local server.
$ hugo server
Now enter localhost:1313
in the address bar of your browser.
Only works for production environment. You either build your site with variable like
HUGO_ENV=production hugo --minify
or just put env: production
to params
section of config.
Check config/example usage in exampleSiteMultilingual directory and documentation on Hugo site.
Based on environment.
For production — allow all, for other — disallow all.
To mark posts as favorite just add favorite: true
in post's front matter. It adds a "★" icon nearby post's title.
Enabled by paginationSinglePost
param in params
section of config.
If you find a bug or have an idea for a feature, feel free to write an issue.
See issues.
(c) Dmitry Kolosov 2020