This is pps-mw-validation Python package toolbox. The pps-mw-validation package is supposed to contain tools that are useful for validating the pps-mw products that the NWCSAF will generate based on data from the passive microwave sensors of the EUMETSAT Polar System-Second Generation or EPS-SG mission.
The set of pps-mw products will include cloud and precipitation products, e.g. ice water path (IWP) from the EPS-SG Ice cloud Imager (ICI). ICI is a conical scanner with a footprint size of about 16 km and with an incidence angle of about 51°. Reference data with this type of characteristics are not directly available and the pps-mw-validation package contains tool that can be used to "resample" reference data to make the data comparable to that of ICI.
The pps-mw-validation package is under development, actual EPS-SG data are not yet available, and the package currently only handles the manipulation and comparisons of test and reference data.
The reference data products handled by the pps-mw-validation package includes:
- ACTRIS Cloudnet data: ground-based cloud profiling radar data from 13 European sites,
- DARDAR data: cloud properties retrieved from combining the CloudSat radar and the CALIPSO lidar measurments,
- PPS CMIC data: cloud microphysics data derived from AVHRR (Metop), VIIRS (JPSS), and MODIS (EOS),
- MWI-ICI L2 test data: ice water path data retrieved from simulated ICI level1b data.
- BALTRAD data: ground based radar network data for the area around the Baltic Sea.
Three type of comparison/validation methods are handled:
- direct comparison of ICI-IWP to resampled ACTRIS Cloudnet data
- statistical comparison of ICI-IWP to resampled DARDAR data for a number of predefined region of interests:
- arctic
- central_antarctica
- mid_latitude_north
- mid_latitude_south
- southern_ocean
- tropics
- direct comparison of pps-mw PR-HL product to BALTRAD data
$ mamba env create -f pps_mw_validation_environment.yml
$ conda activate pps-mw-validation
$ pip install .
The package contains a test suite can be run by tox:
$ pip install tox
$ tox
The package currently contains four scripts:
- resample: resampling of ACTRIS Cloudnet and DARDAR data,
- collect: collect data around ACTRIS Cloudnet sites or within region of interests
- compare: compare two datasets to each other
- prhl: collect and compare PR-HL and BALTRAD data
that can be used to perform a dataset comparison/validation. The usage of these scripts are described later in this section, but the workflow will depend a bit on what type of comparison type that is of interset, and these workflows are first described.
- resample: ACTRIS Cloudnet data
- collect: CMIC or ICI data around ACTRIS Cloudnet sites
- compare: run the validate-by-site method
- resample: DARDAR data
- collect: CMIC or ICI and DARDAR data within region of interest
- compare: run the validate-by-region method
The resample and collect scripts will save the processed data into new data files.
- prhl: collect statistics from matching (time) data
- prhl: summarize the collected statistics from above
resample --help
usage: resample [-h] {cloudnet,dardar} ...
Run the ppsmw data resampler app.
positional arguments:
cloudnet Resample CLOUDNET data as observed by a conical scanner.
dardar Resample DARDAR data as observed by a conical scanner.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
collect --help
usage: collect [-h] {site,roi} ...
Run the ppsmw validation data collection app.
positional arguments:
site Extract CMIC or ICI data around given Cloudnet radar station.
roi Extract CMIC, DARDAR, or ICI stats within given region of interest.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
compare --help
usage: compare [-h] {validate-by-region,cloudnet-distribution,time-series,validate-by-site} ...
Run the ppsmw data comparison app.
positional arguments:
validate-by-region Compare CMIC or ICI data to DARDAR IWP distributions.
Show CLOUDNET IWP distribution.
time-series Show time series of CMIC or ICI and CLOUDNET IWP data..
validate-by-site Compare CMIC or ICI to CLOUDNET IWP data.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
prhl --help
usage: prhl [-h] [-t {collect,summarize}] -f FILES [FILES ...] [-v {critical,error,warning,info,debug}]
Compare PR-HL aginst BALTRAD precipitation data.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t {collect,summarize}, --type {collect,summarize}
Type of operation.
-f FILES [FILES ...], --file FILES [FILES ...]
PR-HL file(s) to process.
-v {critical,error,warning,info,debug}, --verbose {critical,error,warning,info,debug}
Provide logging level.