ESPHome version of the ESPEASY-ITHO plugin. This is code @jodur reworked form The code missed some things i had available in the ESPEASY ITHO plugin
Connections between the CC1101 and the ESP8266 or Arduino:
CC11xx pins ESP pins Arduino pins Description
* 1 - VCC VCC VCC 3v3
* 2 - GND GND GND Ground
* 3 - MOSI 13=D7 Pin 11 Data input to CC11xx
* 4 - SCK 14=D5 Pin 13 Clock pin
* 5 - MISO/GDO1 12=D6 Pin 12 Data output from CC11xx / serial clock from CC11xx
* 6 - GDO2 04=D1 Pin 2 Programmable output 1
* 7 - GDO0 NC NC Programmable output 2 (not used)
* 8 - CSN 15=D8 Pin 10 Chip select / (SPI_SS)
- Timer value is counting down when a timer function is activated
- Extra textsensor to identify the device that had issued the state change of the fan.
Forked from