The repository includes the development version of shiny application MADApp
MADApp is dependent on following packages
- shiny
- shinyjs
- shinythemes
- fs
- DT
- tidyr
- plotly
- EBImage
They can be installed via
Additionaly, the application requires EBImage package which can not be found on CRAN and should be installed from Bioconductor via
## Install package BiocManager
if(!require(BiocManager)) install.packages("BiocManager")
## Use BiocManager to install EBImage
BiocManager::install("EBImage", update = FALSE)
The application can be loaded into RStudio and started with Run App command; or from R with the following commands
Image analysis (cropping, segmentation, thresholding, feature engineering, plotting, timeseries) of images taken from microarrays.