var ui = new sui.Sui();
ui.bool("boolean", function(v) trace('bool: $v'));
ui.color("color", {
list : [
{ value : "#FF0000", label : "red" },
{ value : "#00FF00", label : "blue" },
{ value : "#0000FF", label : "green" }]
}, function(v) trace('color: $v'));
ui.int("int range", 20, {
min : 10,
max : 30
}, function(v) trace('int range: $v'));
ui.trigger("trigger", function() trace("triggered"));
A live sample of some of the available controls.
SUI is available on haxelib (http://lib.haxe.org/p/sui/)
To install, run:
haxelib install sui
SUI dependents on thx.core, thx.promise, thx.stream, thx.stream.dom, dots
- Sui.add(): macro automap field/variable to control
- append to container (with position and close controls)
- Sui.hide()/Sui.show() (with default keyboard control H)
- Sui.open()/Sui.close()
- presets? save/restore?
- listen?
- folder (with open/collapse)
- select string (options)
- select float
- select int
- select date
- text area
- objects and nested objects
- arrays
- unstructured objects (create field together with values)