Cortex is a cutting-edge Deep Q-Network (DQN) library that's meticulously crafted for seamless integration with MetaTrader 5 (MQL5) 🚀.
It empowers traders to harness the advanced capabilities of reinforcement learning, taking their trading strategies to the next level 🚀📈.
By tapping into the power of deep Q-networks, Cortex enables the creation of sophisticated AI-driven decision-making processes that boost trading performance and maximize profits 💹💰.
The program files are compiled to a DLL which can be used in MQL5 by placing in MQL5/Libraries
Incase you want to edit the library for optimization purposes you are free to tinker just remember to build so that you get your DLL file.
The NN has several optimization methods but the 'Adam'
is used by default. Since it is hard coded, you would have to change that in the DQN.cpp
file then recompile the DLL for use.
g++ -shared -o dqn.dll export.cpp DQN.cpp NeuralNetwork.cpp
In your MQL5 code, you'll need to import the functions from your DLL and call them. Here's how you can set it up:
Initialization (OnInit):
Create the DQN instance. Optionally load a pre-trained model.
Tick Handling (OnTick):
Use the DQN to make decisions based on incoming market signals. Optionally train the DQN based on actions taken and received rewards.
Deinitialization (OnDeinit):
Save the current model state. Clean up resources.
Please note that some methods in the code are simply placeholders and you would need to implement your own logic depending on the library you use (CTrade, etc.)
#import "dqn.dll"
int CreateDQN(int stateSize, int actionSize, int &hiddenLayers[], int hiddenLayersSize);
int SelectAction(int dqn, double &state[], int stateSize, double epsilon);
void Train(int dqn, double &state[], int stateSize, int action, double reward, double &nextState[], int nextStateSize, double gamma, double epsilonDecay);
void UpdateTargetNetwork(int dqn);
void DestroyDQN(int dqn);
double GetGamma(int dqn);
double GetEpsilon(int dqn);
double GetEpsilonDecay(int dqn);
double GetQNetLoss(int dqn);
double GetTargetNetLoss(int dqn);
int SaveModel(int dqn, string filepath);
int LoadModel(int dqn, string filepath);
// Global variables
int dqn;
double gamma;
double epsilon;
double epsilonDecay;
string modelPath = "DQN_Model.dat";
// Helper function to print error messages
void PrintError(int errorCode) {
switch (errorCode) {
case 0:
Print("Operation successful.");
case 1:
Print("Error: Invalid parameters.");
case 2:
Print("Error: Failed to open file.");
Print("Unknown error code: ", errorCode);
// Initialization function
int OnInit() {
int stateSize = 4; // Example state size
int actionSize = 2; // Example action size
int hiddenLayers[] = {24, 24}; // Example hidden layers
int hiddenLayersSize = ArraySize(hiddenLayers);
// Create DQN instance
dqn = CreateDQN(stateSize, actionSize, hiddenLayers, hiddenLayersSize);
// Load model if available
int loadResult = LoadModel(dqn, modelPath);
// Set DQN parameters
gamma = GetGamma(dqn);
epsilon = GetEpsilon(dqn);
epsilonDecay = GetEpsilonDecay(dqn);
// Deinitialization function
void OnDeinit(const int reason) {
// Save the model before exiting
int saveResult = SaveModel(dqn, modelPath);
// Destroy the DQN instance
// Function to handle new ticks
void OnTick() {
// Example state (replace with actual market data)
double state[] = {iClose(Symbol(), PERIOD_M1, 1), iHigh(Symbol(), PERIOD_M1, 1), iLow(Symbol(), PERIOD_M1, 1), iVolume(Symbol(), PERIOD_M1, 1)};
// Update DQN parameters
epsilon = GetEpsilon(dqn);
// Select an action
int action = SelectAction(dqn, state, ArraySize(state), epsilon);
// Execute the action (replace with actual trading logic)
if (action == 0) {
// Buy signal
if (OrderSelect(0, SELECT_BY_POS)) {
if (OrderType() == OP_SELL) OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Ask, 2);
OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, 0.1, Ask, 2, 0, 0);
} else {
// Sell signal
if (OrderSelect(0, SELECT_BY_POS)) {
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Bid, 2);
OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, 0.1, Bid, 2, 0, 0);
// Example reward (replace with actual reward calculation)
double reward = OrderProfit();
// Example next state (replace with actual market data)
double nextState[] = {iClose(Symbol(), PERIOD_M1, 0), iHigh(Symbol(), PERIOD_M1, 0), iLow(Symbol(), PERIOD_M1, 0), iVolume(Symbol(), PERIOD_M1, 0)};
// Train the model
Train(dqn, state, ArraySize(state), action, reward, nextState, ArraySize(nextState), gamma, epsilonDecay);
// Update the target network periodically
if (TimeCurrent() % 60 == 0) {