Main menu:
Level menu:
Ai menu:
Heuristic menu:
We used Python 3 to run the application. It was used Pygame to display the application. You can install it manually with the following command:
pip install pygame
In order to run the application, please run the
file inside the src
folder on your IDE, or with the following command:
python3 src/
# or
python src/
The application was built based on MVC architecture, with the following files, which provide a better understanding of the code structure and organization as well as the game logic.
This file is our starting point. It contains the main loop that maintains the programme in which all the events triggered by the keys pressed by the user are processed and their repercussions drawn on the screen.
while running:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
running = False
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
This file contains a subset of the total set of levels that the original game offers, based on an attempt to cover as much variety as possible. Each level is saved with its board representation, the position of the pivot piece (player_pos) and, if available, the location of the special pieces that allow you to cut connections between the atmos (cut_pieces).
1: {"board" : [
['y', 'y', 'y', 'y', 'y', 'y'],
['y', 'H', None, None, 'O', 'y'],
['y', None, None, None, None, 'y'],
['y', None, 'H', 'y', 'y', 'y'],
['y', 'y', 'y', 'y', None, None]],
"player_pos" : (1,1),
"cut_pieces" : []
This file contains the skeleton of all the entities designed for the development of this game, including all the parameters and inherent functions relevant to their function during execution.
class Piece:
def __init__(self, atom, position, avElectrons):
self.atom = atom
self.position = position
self.avElectrons = avElectrons
self.connections = []
self.visited = False
This class represents the levels defined in the file, storing all the information for each level at the moment.
class Arena:
def __init__(self, level):
self.board = level["board"]
self.player_pos = level["player_pos"]
self.walls = self.listWalls()
self.cut_pieces = level["cut_pieces"]
class Game:
def __init__(self, arena: Arena):
self.arena = arena
self.pieces = self.listPieces()
This classe is used to store the current state of the game, including the pieces and the arena.
class GameState:
def __init__(self, pieces, arena):
self.pieces = pieces
self.arena = arena
This class is used to store the state of the game in a tree structure, with the parent node and the children nodes, helping ilustrate the search tree for the algorithms.
class TreeNode:
def __init__(self, state, prev_move=None, parent=None, heuristicVal=0):
self.state = state
self.prev_move = prev_move
self.parent = parent
self.heuristicVal = heuristicVal
self.children = []
This file contains everything related to the interface presented to the user. It contains constant and necessary visual information, as well as the main function display() which, depending on the state of the programme, calls the corresponding functions.
white = (255, 255, 255)
red = (255, 0, 0)
green = (0, 255, 0)
blue = (0, 0, 255)
yellow = (255, 255, 0)
grey = (128,128,128)
black = (0,0,0)
# Board colors
'H': red,
'N': green,
'O': blue,
'C': yellow,
'y': yellow,
'g': grey,
None: white
# Global variables
screen = None
game_name = "SOKOBOND"
game_name_font = None
menu_options_font = None
symbol_font = None
def display(...):
if not game_started and not level_menu and not menu_ia and not algorithm_menu:
drawMenu(menu_options, menu_option_selected)
elif level_menu:
drawMenuLevels(level_option, level_option_selected)
elif menu_ia:
drawMenuIA(menu_ia_options, menu_ia_selected)
elif algorithm_menu:
drawoptionsIA(algorithm_options, algorithm_selected)
elif game_started:
if about:
# Functions that verifies if the move is possible
def validateMove(pieces, direction, arena):
pivot = pieces[0]
pieces[0].visited = True
return checkMovePiece(pivot, pieces, direction, arena)
def checkMovePiece(pivot, pieces, direction, arena):
if(wallCollision(pivot, arena, direction)):
return False
for otherPiece in pieces:
if (nearPieces(pivot, otherPiece) == direction and otherPiece not in pivot.connections):
result = checkMovePiece(otherPiece, pieces, direction, arena)
if result == False:
return False
for connectedPiece in pivot.connections:
if not connectedPiece.visited:
if not checkDotCrossing(pivot, connectedPiece, direction, arena.cut_pieces):
connectedPiece.visited = True
result = checkMovePiece(connectedPiece, pieces, direction, arena)
if result == False:
return False
return True
# Function that move the pieces
def changeState(pieces, direction, arena):
for piece in pieces:
if not piece.visited:
piece.visited = True
cutConnections(piece, direction, arena)
pivot = pieces[0]
new_poss = [(pivot.position[0] + moves[direction][0], pivot.position[1] + moves[direction][1])]
pivot.position = (pivot.position[0] + moves[direction][0], pivot.position[1] + moves[direction][1])
pivot.visited = True
moveAjacentPiece(pieces, direction, pivot, new_poss)
return pieces
# Function that verifies if the player won
def endGame(pieces):
for piece in pieces:
if not piece.visited or piece.avElectrons > 0:
return False
return True
The impossible_solution function was conceived and designed to help the implemented algorithms by cutting off the search of all branches from a certain state from which it is impossible to get a win/solution state.
def impossible_solution(pieces, arena):
if arena.cut_pieces:
return False
molecules = []
for piece in pieces:
if not piece.visited:
electrons = algorythms.breadth_search(piece)
for electrons in molecules:
if electrons == 0 and len(molecules) > 1:
return True
return False
This file contains the implementation of the functions corresponding to the algorithms chosen to be part of this project.
def DFS(game: Game):
visited = []
root = TreeNode(GameState(game.pieces, game.arena))
stack = [root]
while stack:
node = stack.pop()
if node.state.check_win():
return node
if node not in visited:
for state in node.state.childrenStates():
leaf = TreeNode(state[1])
leaf.prev_move = state[0]
return None
def BFS(game: Game):
visited = []
root = TreeNode(GameState(game.pieces, game.arena))
queue = deque([root])
while queue:
node = queue.popleft()
if node.state.check_win():
return node
if node not in visited:
for state in node.state.childrenStates():
leaf = TreeNode(state[1])
leaf.prev_move = state[0]
return None
In this project, we chose to use two different heuristics, both of which take advantage of the Manhattan distance. The first depends solely and exclusively on this distance, prioritising the atoms that are closest to the molecule containing the pivot piece. The second prioritises the distance between the molecule and the nearest atom with the greatest number of available electrons.
def manhattanDistance(piece1, piece2):
return abs(piece1.position[0] - piece2.position[0]) + abs(piece1.position[1] - piece2.position[1])
# This function will return the sum of minimum distance between the molecule and the nearst atom
def heuristic1(pieces):
totalDistance = 0
for index, piece in enumerate(pieces):
if index == 0 or len(piece.connections) > 0:
dist = manhattanDistance(pieces[0], piece)
totalDistance += dist
return totalDistance
# This function will return the sum of minimum distance between the molecule and the nearst atom with highest number of available electrons
def heuristic2(pieces):
totalDistance = 0
for index, piece in enumerate(pieces):
if index == 0 or len(piece.connections) > 0:
totalDistance += manhattanDistance(pieces[0], piece) * (piece.avElectrons + 1)
return totalDistance
def greedy_search(game: Game):
root = TreeNode(GameState(game.pieces, game.arena))
root.heuristicVal = heuristic(root.state.pieces)
priorityQueue = []
heappush(priorityQueue, (root.heuristicVal, root))
filtered_states = []
while priorityQueue:
_, node = heappop(priorityQueue)
if node.state.check_win():
return node
children = node.state.childrenStates()
evaluated_children = [(heuristic(child[1].pieces), child) for child in children]
for (value, child) in evaluated_children:
if child in filtered_states:
child_tree = TreeNode(child[1])
child_tree.prev_move = child[0]
child_tree.heuristicVal = value
heappush(priorityQueue, (value, child_tree))
return None
def a_star_search(game: Game):
root = TreeNode(GameState(game.pieces, game.arena))
root.heuristicVal = heuristic(root.state.pieces)
priorityQueue = []
heappush(priorityQueue, (root.heuristicVal, root))
filtered_states = []
while priorityQueue:
_, node = heappop(priorityQueue)
if node.state.check_win():
return node
children = node.state.childrenStates()
evaluated_children = [(heuristic(child[1].pieces) + node.depth, child) for child in children]
for (value, child) in evaluated_children:
if child in filtered_states:
child_tree = TreeNode(child[1])
child_tree.prev_move = child[0]
child_tree.heuristicVal = value
heappush(priorityQueue, (value, child_tree))
return None
def depth_limited_search(game: Game, depth: int):
visited = []
root = TreeNode(GameState(game.pieces, game.arena))
stack = [root]
while stack:
node = stack.pop()
if node.state.check_win():
return node
if node not in visited and node.depth < depth:
for state in node.state.childrenStates():
leaf = TreeNode(state[1])
leaf.prev_move = state[0]
return None
def iterative_deepening_search(game: Game):
depth = 1
while True:
result = depth_limited_search(game, depth)
if result:
return result
depth += 1
This project was made possible by:
Name | |
Francisco Campos | up202108735 |
Henrique Pinheiro | up202108879 |
Sara Azevedo | up202006902 |