This gem provides several default files for html5 development on rails. We use html5-boilerplate project files and make them works in a rails environment.
Check html5-boilerplate for more detail on this project :
gem 'merryh5bp' bundle install rake merryh5bp:setup
The setup rake task :
remove javascripts protypes files
replace the content of rails default layout application.html.erb by the content of index.html from html5-boilerplate. Add several rails stuffs (csrf_meta_tag, yield in the main div, yield(:head) in the <head>, yield(:foot) at the bottom). Replace the css and js folder name of H5BP by the Rails naming style : stylesheets/ and javascripts/
copy H5BP css and js assets in the public directory (keeping application.js instead of script.js).
H5BP try to catch the current version of jquery from Google CDN and fallback to javascripts/libs/jquery-XXX.min.js if not available. We keep it that way even to stay consistent with H5BP philosophy even if we use jquery-rails gem in our projects.
What we do :
gem 'jquery-rails' bundle install rails generate jquery:install then edit application.js to replace libs/jquery-XXX.min.js by jquery.min.js
H5BP : 1.1 jquery : 1.5.1
This project uses MIT-LICENSE.