✝ December 1, 2011 because of Google Translation API Shutdown http://code.google.com/apis/language/translate/overview.html
whatlang detects the language of a given string - and is unbelievable easy to use
var whatlang = require('whatlang');
whatlang('was fuer eine sprache ist dieser satz, bitte-schoen?');
whatlang uses the google language detection API (V1)
// on the command linge
//>npm install whatlang
var whatlang = require('whatlang');
//var whatlang = require('/path/to/whatlang.js');
//whatlang(query, callback, parameterObject)
whatlang('Ich bin ein kleines maedchen und tanze auf der berliner mauer.');
/* prints on the console
{ responseData: {
language: 'de',
isReliable: true,
confidence: 0.66124046
responseDetails: null,
responseStatus: 200,
requestData: {
query: 'Ich bin ein kleines maedchen und tanze auf der berliner mauer.'
//with a custom callback function
var langinfo = whatlang('Ich bin ein kleines maedchen.',
function(langinf){ console.log(langinf.responseData.language); });
// -> de
//with a parameterObject
//see http://code.google.com/apis/language/translate/v1/using_rest_langdetect.html#request_format for list of parameters
var langinfo = whatlang('Ich bin ein kleines maedchen.',
function(langinf){ console.log(langinf.responseData.language); },
{ userip:'', key:'boguskey' });
//throws an "ResponseStatus 400 Error: invalid key"
additional methods (chaining supported)
whatlang.setDefaultKey('your key here').setDefaultUserIp('').wait(5000).detect('this is a very english english sentence').detect('das ist ein deutscher satz');
//set your google key
//optional, works without key, too
whatlang.setDefaultKey('your key here');
//set your default user ip
//optional, but recommended by big G
//whatlang.detect() === whatlog()
whatlang.detect('a string');
//per default whatlang waits 100ms between multiple requests to the Google API
//the wait-time intervall can be changed via the wait() method