A quality control tool for high throughput sequence data
Data quality control and data statistics for high throughput sequences
python fraserQC.py [options] -i fastqFile -s sampleName -o outputFolder
--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SAMPLENAME, --sampleName=SAMPLENAME [REQUIRED] sample name for fastq files
-i FQLIST, --fqList=FQLIST [REQUIRED] input fastq files ended with fq/fastq/gz (PEs were separated by ",")
-o FOLDER, --outputFolder=FOLDER [REQUIRED] In this folder, the program will create sample-specific folder, containning all qc result
-f, --filter perform quality trim by htqc [default to skip this step]
-m, --watermarker print out water marker [default to not print water marker]
Advanced Options:
-w INT window size for quality trim [default: 5]
-C INT quality threshold for trim [default: 20]
-L INT length threshold for trim [default: 50]
python fraserQC.py -f -L 100 -C 30 -w 10 -i test_1.fq.gz,test_2.fq.gz -t 2 -s test -o outdir
- FastQC (https://www.bioinformatics.babraham.ac.uk/projects/fastqc/)
- htqc (https://sourceforge.net/projects/htqc/)
- R
- Install FastQC, htqc and R
- Modify fraserQC.py with the install path of FastQC and htqc. Specifically modify the script at line 417 and 421