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Naturally, this is a limited architecture for the POC with many additional considerations required. Here are a few as a starting point:
List the further architecture considerations here.
List the POC Scenarios here.
union *
| extend meta = case(
customDimensions.prop__properties has "trackedProperties", parse_json(tostring(customDimensions.prop__properties)).trackedProperties,
customDimensions has "trackedProperties", todynamic(tostring(customDimensions.trackedProperties)), todynamic(customDimensions))
| where meta.InterfaceId == "ID_VTB02"
| where meta.LicensePlate == "HHH HHHH"
| where meta.MessageId == "24c9955c-f535-4f79-be8a-b9e45d47d180"
let operationIds = union *
| extend meta = case(
customDimensions.prop__properties has "trackedProperties", parse_json(tostring(customDimensions.prop__properties)).trackedProperties,
customDimensions has "trackedProperties", todynamic(tostring(customDimensions.trackedProperties)), todynamic(customDimensions))
| where meta.InterfaceId == "ID_VTB02"
| where meta.LicensePlate == "HHH HHHH"
| where meta.MessageId == "24c9955c-f535-4f79-be8a-b9e45d47d180"
| distinct operation_Id;
union * | where operation_Id in (operationIds) | order by timestamp asc