Woodie is the JavaScript backend server for FRCMS — a content management system for First Robotics teams. Woodie's written in TypeScript, uses PostgreSQL to store data, and uses Express to handle HTTP requests.
Requires: Git & Docker
# Clone repository from git remote
$ git clone https://github.com/frcms/woodie.git
$ cd woodie
# Build and run docker image on port 80
$ sudo docker build -t woodie .
$ sudo docker run -d -p 80:3000 woodie
Woodie is made entirely by contributors from the open-source community. These are of the notable contributors:
- Jack Merrill me@jackmerrill.com — Lead developer and maintainer.
- BluLightShow contact@blulightshow.space — Developer.
- Luke Whrit lukewhrit@gmail.com — Infrastructure engineer and developer.
Woodie is publicly available under the terms of the Mozilla Public License. A copy of these terms can be found within the LICENSE