NetatmoSIAQM for Scriptable
Not affiliated with Netatmo in any way.
Scriptable Widget for the Netatmo Smart Indoor Air Quality Monitor (usually interfaced with by the iOS app Netatmo Home Coach) using the Netatmo Aircare API.
- Login to your Netatmo Account at, and create a new app: (yes, unfortunately you'll need to do this, but it's pretty swift)
- Fill in the mandatory fields, save, and continue by setting the Redirect URI field to "https://noop". Save again, and take note of the Client Id (aaa) and Client Secret (bbb) fields.
- Using your browser, construct and browse to the URL:
- ...After authenticating with Netatmo, you'll be redirected to a non-existing URL (e.g. https://noop/?code=ccc). Copy the value (ccc) from the &code= parameter.
- Create a new script in the iOS Scriptable app add a name, color, glyph, and paste this script.
- Edit the script below and set the 'params' variable with your own Client Id, Client Secret and value from the &code= parameter.
- On your home screen, add the new Scriptable Widget as a (medium sized preferred) widget with the script.
Provided for free, MIT, as-is, by fredrikdev 2022. Inspired by