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in development, iMigrator to migrate from V1 to V2 (stable testnet build)


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iMigrator protocol

FrenChain Open Source Software

Alt-chains support R&D community working together to make a new, don't miss out!!! If you shoot the fade on this you going to end up in the shady shade, naw uh... We told you so.

Live Demo

iMigrator Protcol

Special Thanks

FrenChain KekChain Electronero Network Crystaleum Interchained Labs

Introducing the decentralized, autonomous migrations plan that the scammers don't want you to learn about. The first fully open source, enterprise feature packed migrator to drop.

The testnet iMigrator *(Migrator.sol) is set to deploy a token farm and 2 tokens to simulate V1 and V2 which must be Mint()'d 😲 and supplied to this iMigrator smart contract post-deployment, by deployer. In mainnet, deployer would merely supply tokenB aka V2 token to iMigrator post deployment.

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 * @title Interchained's iMigrator contracts
 * @notice Community FOSS R&D supported by Kekchain, FrenChain, Electronero Network, Crystaleum
 * @author Interchained && Lucas && Decentral && Muse

R&D SPONSORS: FrenChain, KekChain, Electronero, Crystaleum

FOUNDERS: Interchained, Decentral, Lucas, the Electronero family

SC ca held tight, clean UX

Lead Eng OG: Dev Team Interchained Telegram

This research has been funded in part by: [@Fren_Chain]]( @KekChain @Interchained @Electronero_Network @Crystaleum

Traditional banking is based on a system that's called "Fractional Reserve Banking". Where as when you and I deposit funds into our bank account at the local branch, 90% could be used by our bank of choice funds earmarked immediately upon deposit tagged for loans, insurance, and other purposes.

iMigrators put the user in control of their migrations! Functional use cases for individuals and enterprise, anyone could lock up LP, ERC20, fungible coins to display sovereignty and sustainability, or as part of a iMigrator public 100% decentralized migrations plan. Use iMigrators to migrate V1 to V2 tokens in what is basically a "autonomous escrow freezer", compared to cold storage peer-to-peer transfers this is the best available option...





Interchained FOSS, iMigrator protocol is free to use and educational purposes; iMigrator protocol is maintained to provide the communty a stable platform for a decentralized, fully autonomous "Migrator" aka iMigrator featuring strategic implementations to educate and make use of individually or comercially through enterprise without any warranty or limitations, for customizations contact Interchained

To donate to the cause, and support our research

Send ETH,Matic,BNB,AVAX, or any ERC20 tokens to: 0x2523387F8AD37C787de35c7bfeba29839bb4150A

Send BTC to: 38jiBKevQHp8zhQpZ42bTvK4QpzzqWkA3K

Send XMR to: 85PTaJNpkEEeJao2MNk1sRWTQXLUf1FGjZew8oR8R4cRUrXxFrTexa9GwrjmJD4Pyx6UrjgMQnuMoFNmaBKqxs7PPXVe9oX

Send DogeCoin to: DTTez7ggKPzDcKuUUTns8VzMrKesZUKMCk


OG publication: Interchained ...


Spirit and support from Snowburn UI. Thanks for all who inspire, let's collaborate! More to come! Stay tuned. Contact on TG for quick response!

Thank you to our supporters, and a big thanks to you community!!! Send donations on Ethereum Virtual Machine compatible chain: 0x4362eeD9fd20fA25251d040B0489a784d91Ec8B5

Thanks, M


in development, iMigrator to migrate from V1 to V2 (stable testnet build)







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