Master's thesis for the MSc Information Science at the University of Groningen.
In order to replicate our results, make sure to first clone the dutchcoref repository and install the required packages:
The OpenBoek files, including our annotated quote data, are available here:
In order to train or evaluate the classifier, xml files containing the gold quotation information are needed. The following instructions are tailored to replicate the annotation of direct speech in Dutch novels. can be used to convert dutchcoref's booknlp format output to xml format, adding silver information about characters, quotes and mentions.
To create the xml files, use with the "create" action. Note that gold information about mentions, quotes and clusters is required.
$ python3 -a create -b goldfiles/Grunberg_HuidEnHaar/Grunberg_HuidEnHaar.conll
-m goldfiles/Grunberg_HuidEnHaar/Grunberg_HuidEnHaar.mentions.tsv
-q goldfiles/Grunberg_HuidEnHaar/Grunberg_HuidEnHaar.quotes.tsv
-c goldfiles/Grunberg_HuidEnHaar/Grunberg_HuidEnHaar.clusters.tsv
The xml file containing silver information can then be corrected with the Quote Annotator tool:
Our guidelines for annotating quotes in Dutch novels can be found here: guidelines
After using the annotation tool, use with the "update" action to complete the gold xml files with information about paragraph-, sentence- and token numbers. Providing the gold output.conll file in Dutchcoref's booknlp format is required:
$ python3 -a update -x Abdolah_Koning_annotated.xml -b goldfiles/Abdolah_Koning/Abdolah_Koning.conll
The code and trained model files for each classifier can be found in the models directory.
In order to get the speaker mention and cluster performance, we can run the classifiers as follows*:
$ python -t '../riddlecoref/split/riddle/train/*.conll' -v '../riddlecoref/split/riddle/dev/*.conll' -p ../riddlecoref/parses/ -a ../riddlecoref/annotations/riddlecoref/
* If the model is already trained, providing the '-e' argument will just run the evaluation, preventing the classifier from training again.
To run the quote attribution classifier implemented within dutchcoref, make sure to first place all the model files in the dutchcoref folder. Now run the classifier as follows:
$ python3 --outputprefix /tmp/Gilbert_EtenBiddenBeminnen /riddlecoref/parses/Gilbert_EtenBiddenBeminnen/ --neural=quote
In order to evaluate the results, we use, for which gold output from the dutchcoref system is required:
$ python3 /riddlecoref/annotations/riddlecoref/Gilbert_EtenBiddenBeminnen.xml /dutchcoref/tmp/Gilbert_EtenBiddenBeminnen goldfiles/Gilbert_EtenBiddenBeminnen/Gilbert_EtenBiddenBeminnen
Dutchcoref original paper:
van Cranenburgh, Andreas. "A Dutch coreference resolution system with an evaluation on literary fiction." Computational Linguistics in the Netherlands Journal 9 (2019): 27-54.
The Quote Annotator tool is from:
Grace Muzny, Michael Fang, Angel Fang and Dan Jurafsky. A Two-stage Sieve Approach to Quote Attribution. In Proceedings of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (EACL), 2017, Valencia, Spain.