A Collecton of CSS files scraped from repl.it for the purpose of CSS injection and theming. I needed a place to organize all the CSS I was scraing, for the sake of my eyes and sanity, so I decided to, by hand, organize all of the CSS I'd acquired from Repl.it's HTML pages. So you don't have to. =P
The folder names are pretty self-intuitive. Each folder contains the CSS that styles that specfic portion of Repl.it! Some of them might be named incorrectly, I could only do so much with Inspect and I couldn't get any CSS Inspector Chrome Extensions working for the life of me. If you think a folder or file's name should be changed or moved, just open an issuse ;)
The two files inject.js
and eject.js
are bookmarklet templates for injecting and ejecting CSS into and from websites. Feel free to tweak or modify them as you see fit. (They're intended for use together). They work well for most sites, and if you find that the CSS isn't showing, you probably need to add !important
to your CSS attributes.
Since I made this for the sake of creating custom themes for Repl.it, it would make sense to keep track of all the colors, so here it is:
/* ----- Root Colors (Site Only) ----- */
:root {
--color-brand-dark-blue: #0D101E;
--color-brand-light-blue: #68CDEE;
--color-brand-gray: #6D7D84;
--color-white: #ffffff;
--color-black: #000000;
--color-green-1: #21a243;
--color-green-2: #21953e;
--color-green-3: #228a3a;
--color-green-4: #228037;
--color-green-transparent-1: rgba(24, 204, 81, 0.48);
--color-green-transparent-2: rgba(24, 204, 81, 0.24);
--color-green-transparent-3: rgba(24, 204, 81, 0.12);
--color-red-1: #ff491c;
--color-red-2: #e9441b;
--color-red-3: #d8411b;
--color-red-4: #c93d1a;
--color-red-transparent-1: rgba(255, 73, 28, 0.48);
--color-red-transparent-2: rgba(255, 73, 28, 0.24);
--color-red-transparent-3: rgba(255, 73, 28, 0.12);
--color-blue-1: #3485e4;
--color-blue-2: #337ad1;
--color-blue-3: #3272c2;
--color-blue-4: #316ab4;
--color-blue-transparent-1: rgba(52, 133, 228, 0.48);
--color-blue-transparent-2: rgba(52, 133, 228, 0.24);
--color-blue-transparent-3: rgba(52, 133, 228, 0.12);
--color-orange-1: #eb6404;
--color-orange-2: #d65c08;
--color-orange-3: #c7560b;
--color-orange-4: #b8510d;
--color-orange-transparent-1: rgba(242, 103, 2, 0.48);
--color-orange-transparent-2: rgba(242, 103, 2, 0.24);
--color-orange-transparent-3: rgba(242, 103, 2, 0.12);
--color-purple-1: #ae46ee;
--color-purple-2: #a142db;
--color-purple-3: #963ecc;
--color-purple-4: #8d3bbf;
--color-purple-transparent-1: rgba(174, 70, 238, 0.48);
--color-purple-transparent-2: rgba(174, 70, 238, 0.24);
--color-purple-transparent-3: rgba(174, 70, 238, 0.12);
--color-gold-1: #ad8815;
--color-gold-2: #a07d16;
--color-gold-3: #937317;
--color-gold-4: #8a6c17;
--color-gold-transparent-1: rgba(255, 199, 0, 0.48);
--color-gold-transparent-2: rgba(255, 199, 0, 0.24);
--color-gold-transparent-3: rgba(255, 199, 0, 0.12);
--color-pink-1: #eb45d1;
--color-pink-2: #d842bf;
--color-pink-3: #c73eb0;
--color-pink-4: #b93ba4;
--color-pink-transparent-1: rgba(238, 70, 211, 0.48);
--color-pink-transparent-2: rgba(238, 70, 211, 0.24);
--color-pink-transparent-3: rgba(238, 70, 211, 0.12);
--color-teal-1: #159bb0;
--color-teal-2: #198ea1;
--color-teal-3: #1c8395;
--color-teal-4: #1d7a8a;
--color-teal-transparent-1: rgba(0, 181, 206, 0.48);
--color-teal-transparent-2: rgba(0, 181, 206, 0.24);
--color-teal-transparent-3: rgba(0, 181, 206, 0.12);
/* ----- Light Theme Colors (IDE Only) ----- */
.replit-ui-theme-root.light {
--color-background-1: #ffffff;
--color-background-2: #f6f6f6;
--color-background-3: #eeeeee;
--color-control-1: #e0e0e0;
--color-control-2: #e9e9e9;
--color-control-3: #f3f3f3;
--color-border: #e0e0e0;
--color-foreground-1: #363636;
--color-foreground-2: #6f6f6f;
--color-foreground-3: #949494;
--color-foreground-4: #b7b7b7;
--color-foreground-transparent-1: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.48);
--color-foreground-transparent-2: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.24);
--color-foreground-transparent-3: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.12);
--color-primary-1: #3485e4;
--color-primary-2: #337ad1;
--color-primary-3: #3272c2;
--color-primary-4: #316ab4;
--color-primary-transparent-1: rgba(52, 133, 228, 0.48);
--color-primary-transparent-2: rgba(52, 133, 228, 0.24);
--color-primary-transparent-3: rgba(52, 133, 228, 0.12);
--color-negative-1: #ff491c;
--color-negative-2: #e9441b;
--color-negative-3: #d8411b;
--color-negative-4: #c93d1a;
--color-negative-transparent-1: rgba(255, 73, 28, 0.48);
--color-negative-transparent-2: rgba(255, 73, 28, 0.24);
--color-negative-transparent-3: rgba(255, 73, 28, 0.12);
--color-warning-1: #eb6404;
--color-warning-2: #d65c08;
--color-warning-3: #c7560b;
--color-warning-4: #b8510d;
--color-warning-transparent-1: rgba(242, 103, 2, 0.48);
--color-warning-transparent-2: rgba(242, 103, 2, 0.24);
--color-warning-transparent-3: rgba(242, 103, 2, 0.12);
--color-positive-1: #21a243;
--color-positive-2: #21953e;
--color-positive-3: #228a3a;
--color-positive-4: #228037;
--color-positive-transparent-1: rgba(24, 204, 81, 0.48);
--color-positive-transparent-2: rgba(24, 204, 81, 0.24);
--color-positive-transparent-3: rgba(24, 204, 81, 0.12);
/* ----- Dark Theme Colors (IDE Only) ----- */
.replit-ui-theme-root.dark {
--color-background-1: #1d2333;
--color-background-2: #171d2d;
--color-background-3: #0e1525;
--color-control-1: #313646;
--color-control-2: #2b3140;
--color-control-3: #262b3b;
--color-border: #313646;
--color-foreground-1: #e1e2e4;
--color-foreground-2: #90939c;
--color-foreground-3: #696d78;
--color-foreground-4: #4e525f;
--color-foreground-transparent-1: rgba(14, 21, 37, 0.48);
--color-foreground-transparent-2: rgba(14, 21, 37, 0.24);
--color-foreground-transparent-3: rgba(14, 21, 37, 0.12);
--color-primary-1: #3485e4;
--color-primary-2: #337bd2;
--color-primary-3: #3273c4;
--color-primary-4: #316cb8;
--color-primary-transparent-1: rgba(52, 133, 228, 0.48);
--color-primary-transparent-2: rgba(52, 133, 228, 0.24);
--color-primary-transparent-3: rgba(52, 133, 228, 0.12);
--color-negative-1: #ff491c;
--color-negative-2: #eb451b;
--color-negative-3: #db411b;
--color-negative-4: #cd3e1a;
--color-negative-transparent-1: rgba(255, 73, 28, 0.48);
--color-negative-transparent-2: rgba(255, 73, 28, 0.24);
--color-negative-transparent-3: rgba(255, 73, 28, 0.12);
--color-warning-1: #f26702;
--color-warning-2: #de5f07;
--color-warning-3: #ce590a;
--color-warning-4: #c0540c;
--color-warning-transparent-1: rgba(242, 103, 2, 0.48);
--color-warning-transparent-2: rgba(242, 103, 2, 0.24);
--color-warning-transparent-3: rgba(242, 103, 2, 0.12);
--color-positive-1: #20ab46;
--color-positive-2: #219d41;
--color-positive-3: #22923d;
--color-positive-4: #22883a;
--color-positive-transparent-1: rgba(24, 204, 81, 0.48);
--color-positive-transparent-2: rgba(24, 204, 81, 0.24);
--color-positive-transparent-3: rgba(24, 204, 81, 0.12);
/* ----- Language Icon Colors (IDE & Site) ----- */
:root {
--color-languages-java: #b07219;
--color-languages-scheme: #1e4aec;
--color-languages-clojure: #db5855;
--color-languages-haskell: #5e5086;
--color-languages-lua: #000080;
--color-languages-ruby: #701516;
--color-languages-python: #3572a5;
--color-languages-go: #00add8;
--color-languages-cpp: #f34b7d;
--color-languages-c: #555555;
--color-languages-cs: #178600;
--color-languages-fs: #b845fc;
--color-languages-rust: #dea584;
--color-languages-swift: #ffac45;
--color-languages-r: #198ce7;
--color-languages-bash: #000000;
--color-languages-crystal: #000100;
--color-languages-julia: #a270ba;
--color-languages-elixir: #6e4a7e;
--color-languages-nim: #37775b;
--color-languages-dart: #00b4ab;
--color-languages-erlang: #b83998;
--color-languages-typescript: #2b7489;
--color-languages-elisp: #c065db;
--color-languages-sql: #e34c26;
--color-languages-php: #4f5d95;
--color-languages-html: #e34c26;
--color-languages-css: #563d7c;
--color-languages-javascript: #f1e05a;