This is the 10ideas API Rails application for the 10ideas application contest
POST /ideas.json - Create new idea
GET /ideas/:id.json - Get the specific idea
PUT /ideas/:id.json - Update the existing idea
DELETE /ideas/:id.json - Update the existing idea
PUT /ideas/:id/publish.json - Make idea public
PUT /ideas/:id/vote.json - Vote for idea
GET /ideas.json - Get my ideas for today
GET /ideas/public.json - Get all public ideas for today
GET /ideas/winners.json - Get the list of top 10 ideas
GET /ideas/by_date.json?date=yyyy-mm-dd - Get my ideas by date
GET /ideas/public_by_date.json?date=yyyy-mm-dd - Get all public ideas by date
GET /ideas/winners_by_date.json?date=yyyy-mm-dd - Get the list of top 10 ideas
POST /users - Register user, mandatory fields user, user, user PUT /users - Update user, if you change password mandatory field is user
For all calls except registration user should be authenticated.Authentication is stateless, token-based. On registration you will get JSON {:authentication_token=>“some_token”}, you should save it and use in all calls like POST /users/sign_in, :user=>{:login,:password}
PUT /users, :user=>{some_fields},:auth_token=>“your token”
In case of invalid request API will return status 422 - unprocessible entity
all requests to the API should be made with .json format, requestiong data in json format