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ITAmatrix flight price scraper written with python utilizing Playwright, BeautifulSoup and Pandas libraries

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Flight Data Scraper

This Python script utilizes Playwright and Beautiful Soup to scrape flight data from the ITA Matrix website. The scraped data is then stored in an Excel file.


  • Playwright - A browser automation library.

  • Beautiful Soup - A library for pulling data out of HTML and XML files.

  • pandas - A data manipulation and analysis library for Python.

    pip install playwright beautifulsoup4 pandas openpyxl

Scraper on duty, 2x speed

Scraper running headless on terminal, 2x speed

Example Output

Ver 1.2

  • Added period input function. This helps users to give the input in terminal instead of hardcoding it.
  • Added new functionality to create the excel file in the directory that the code runs. Previously excel file needed to be created manually first. It also checks if the file exists to prevent over writing the entire excel document that could cause data loss.

Ver 1.1

-Added some extra code to catch the TimeoutErrors. This update makes the program run smoother.


  1. Run the script in your terminal or IDE.
  2. Follow the prompts to input the origin, destination, start date, and end date in the specified format.

Code Overview

  • The script uses Playwright to automate interactions with the ITA Matrix website and collect flight data.
  • User inputs for origin, destination, start date, and end date are validated.
  • The script iterates over a date range, fills out the ITA Matrix search form, and collects data for each date.
  • The collected data is organized into pandas dataframes and saved to an Excel file with separate sheets for each date.

Script Details

  • origin_input(): Takes user input for the origin airport in 3-char IATA format.
  • destination_input(): Takes user input for the destination airport in 3-char IATA format.
  • start_date_input(): Takes user input for the start date in MM/DD/YY format.
  • end_date_input(): Takes user input for the end date in MM/DD/YY format.
  • wait_for_table_load(page): Waits for the main table to load on the webpage.
  • wait_for_carrier_table_load(page,carrier): Waits for carrier-specific table to load after clicking on a carrier.
  • read_screen(page,starting_date,ending_date,dataframes): Reads the table contents for carriers and returns dataframe objects.
  • flight_data_scraper(origin,destination,start_date,end_date): Main function to initiate the web scraping process.

Note: The scraped data is saved to an Excel file named output.xlsx. Make sure to check the generated Excel file for the collected flight information.

Feel free to customize the script according to your needs or contribute to its improvement!


ITAmatrix flight price scraper written with python utilizing Playwright, BeautifulSoup and Pandas libraries







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