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Froq! Hassle-free service generator.

Froq! is a uber-easy service generator that designed especially for RESTful back-end'd structures, but may be used for front-end'd platforms as well. You simply create your service object (aka resource/endpoint class) and return its actions data to your clients.

Notice: All framework coded in strict-type mode so PHP7-way (yes, we elephants waited too long for this..). Please see scalar-type-hints RFC, document and return-type document.

Let's dive into that sweet thing quickly keeping short the introduction..

Using as 'REST Resource' Responder

use Application\Http\Response\Status;
use Application\Http\Response\ContentType;
use Application\Service\Protocol\Rest as Service;

class BookService extends Service
   // opt: restrict request methods, accept only GET, POST, PATCH
   protected $allowedRequestMethods = ['GET', 'POST', 'PATCH'];

   // @optional initialization
   public function init()
      // init model
      $this->model = new BookModel();
      // set default content type

   // @required main method
   public function main()

   // @required get method "GET /book/123"
   public function get()
      $id = (int) $this->app->request->uri->segment(1);
      // check: "$id > 0"
      if (!is_id($id)) {

      // find book by id
      $book = $this->model->find($id);
      if (empty($book)) {

      // return book object that will be json encoded
      return $book;

   // @required all
   // public function post() { ... }
   // public function put() { ... }
   // public function patch() { ... }
   // public function delete() { ... }

Example GET call:

~$ curl -i -XGET froq.local/book/1

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 48
X-Load-Time: 0.0209240913

{"id":1,"name":"PHP in Action","price":16.55}

Example bad GET call:

~$ curl -i -XGET froq.local/book/nö!

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: none
Content-Length: 0
X-Load-Time: 0.0237870216

Using as 'Site Page' Responder

use Application\Service\Protocol\Site as Service;

class BookService extends Service
   // opt: redirect all requests to main(), default=false
   protected $useMainOnly = true;
   // opt: use header/footer partials, default=false
   protected $useViewPartialAll = true;
   // opt: restrict request methods, accept only GET, POST, default=[] so accept all
   protected $allowedRequestMethods = ['GET', 'POST'];

   // @optional initialization
   public function init()
      // init model
      $this->model = new BookModel();

   // @required main method
   public function main()
      $id = (int) $this->app->request->uri->segment(1);
      // find book by id
      $book = $this->model->find($id);
      // show it in view as you wish
      $this->view('main', $book);

   // when $useMainOnly=false for "/book/foo" calls
   // public function doFoo() { ... }


All config object's option may be reachable via config->get() method or simply array access like config['key']. Also its possible to get a value by dot notations like config->get('x.y.z') or config['x.y.z'] as well.

Global application config file is in sys/global/cfg.php file but user may override all these config options filling app/global/cfg.php file. However each service may have its own config file such FooService/config/config.php, but these config options reachable only in same service object, e.g $x = $this->config->get('x') or $this->config['x'].


All service objects must be in app/service/ in its folder: e.g. FooService/FooService.php with same name and suffixed with Service phrase, also;

  • Each service may have its config file as same as FooService/config/config.php.
  • Each service may have its model file as same as FooService/model/model.php.
  • Each service may have its view file as same as FooService/view/view.php.

A service init() method always called first of all methods, so it could be used as constructor. By the way, you can not define __construct() method in any service cos it's finalized in parent object.

A service main() method could be handler for all requests that invoked service, just set $useMainOnly = true for this action.

A service could have onBefore() and onAfter() methods in order to implement a simple event-driven processes but not async.

Following methods must be implemented by child object by service type;

  • For Site services: main().
    Note: All other methods must be prefixed with do phrase E.g: for /book/save, book service must have doSave() method.

  • For Rest services: main(), get(), post(), put(), patch(), delete().
    Note: Even service does not handle all these method must be found in extender service object.


You can create your model for each service that behaves like an ORM object and comes with all these methods: find(), findAll(), save(), remove().

Here is simply BookModel for BookService;

use Application\Database\Database;
use Application\Database\Model\Model;

class BookModel extends Model
   // default vendor is MySQL
   protected $vendor = Database::VENDOR_MYSQL;
   // table, collection etc. name & primary key
   protected $stackName = 'book';
   protected $stackPrimary = 'id';

   // ie. sets default id value
   // public $id;

Notice: For now, modelling is available with MySQL databases only using Oppa library. But MongoDB and CouchDB supports will be added soon. Please see app/service/BookService/model/model.php and app/service/BookService/BookService.php for usage samples.


All services may have individual head/foot file in its own folder such as FooService/view/partial/head.php. If it has no partial file(s) then default partial file(s) will be included and used. Services could be directed to use head/foot file setting $useViewPartialAll = true, or use only head setting $useViewPartialHead = true or vice versa foot setting $useViewPartialFoot = true in service object.

Output Handling

Output handler is optional but it could be useful sometimes for a developer. For example, while working with single header file, it could be headache to set page title differently for each page, or using different image/resource files for different pages. Using output handler, that could be done as well. Remember, when it is called the output not gzip'd yet.

Output handler could be defined for once in pub/index.php (line 36).

// simply fulfill callback closure
$app->setHandler('output', function($output) {
   // assuming that already set in BookService::doDetail()
   // like "set_global('page_title', $book->title)"
   $pageTitle = get_global('page_title');

   // replace output's page title
   return preg_replace('~<title>(.*?)</title>~s', $pageTitle, $output);

Service Environments

If you set your local development server like froq.local, Froq! will decide that you are on local development environment. Otherwise, it always thinks running on production environment. Note: this feature is not implemented yet properly/completely, just all exceptions will be thrown directly if environment is "local".

Service Root (Base URI)

Service root could be set easily in pub/index.php. For example, if you want to use a versioning approach in your applications, you can set $appRoot = '/api/v1'. Then call your URL's like /api/v1/book/123 but just define your book service as BookService normally. So you do not need to create another service such as ApiService for all these requests cos /api/v1 part will be dropped while routing act and all calls will be redirected to BookService as well.

Fails (Errors)

All fails go to app/service/default/FailService file, so you can edit easily default fail files as you wish. Also if .local, all exceptions will be thrown instantly.

Composer Support

You can integrate any library you want use into Froq!. Composer's vendor folder will be in root (/) directory and composer's autoloader will be included automatically in Application constructor.

Folder Structure

As you guess, all files in app directory your and may be modified as you wish, as well as pub directory but index.php.

   app/ # all your in app folder
         cfg.php         # user configs
         def.php         # user constants
         fun.php         # user functions (misc.)
         class/          # user objects (class, trait etc.)
         function/       # user functions (language, localization etc.)
            config/      # optional (service specific configs)
               model.php # optional, where BookModel comes
               main.php  # optional, for main() method

   pub/ # where assets, images go
   sys/ # core


  • Wiki (OK guys, I promise).
  • Add callback-driven service definition support.
  • Have a tequila.


Huge thanks: