- MVVM architecture, proposed architecture by Google to build clean and testable codebase.
- Get to know the market good practices, the best practices tech industries are using now-a-days.
- Understand the Design Principles, be able to use and implement the SOLID principles.
- Jetpack components, Live Data, Room, Navigation Components and more.
- Write tests. Writing unit tests and handling async operations.
- view boilerplate
- adapter boilerplate
- view binding
- view states
- lifecycle artifacts:
- view model
- live data
- asynchronous operations
- coroutines
- dispatchers threads
- HTTP client
- product service boilerplate
- product entity boilerplate
- glide module
- solid principles (DIP)
- dependency injection (DI) with hilt
- product list module
- product details module
- navigation component
- navigation safeargs
- organizing the codebase
- wishlist boilerplate - presentation layer
- wishlist boilerplate - domain layer