Fast (linear time) implementation of the Gaussian Blur algorithm in Rust. Original taken from
The image is assumed to be an RGB image with three channels. This should change in the future, so you can blur as many channels as you want. Still WIP.
fastblur = { git = "" }
use fastblur::gaussian_blur;
// data is a Vec<[u8;3]> - 3 items for R, G and B.
// This format will probably change.
gaussian_blur(&mut data, width, height, 10.0);
NOTE: This is not "the fastest" Gaussian blur. It currently takes 8ms - but
it is independent of the blur size. A regular Gaussian blur depends on the size
of the blur. At a 3px blur, the example from the imageproc
library needs 4ms.
At a 10px blur, it already needs 28ms. And so on. This library always needs
8ms, no matter of the size of the blur.
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