- define the sent object
- get_sent
- get_label **required in model **
- get_instance_string **required in model **
- load the data
- load data
- load parse data
- Some Modification
- extract idf during train, and load the dict during dev and test
- extract can return str object (for sparse features), but must return the dimension in the first info list Next is a example of the Unigram Feature.
class TFFeature(Feature):
def __init__(self, type='word', convey='count', **kwargs):
super(TFFeature, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.type = type
self.convey = convey
self.feature_name = '{}-{}#{}'.format(self.feature_name, type, self.convey)
def extract_information(self, train_instances):
if self.is_training:
sents = []
for train_instance in train_instances:
sent = train_instance.get_sent(self.type)
idf_dict = utils.idf_calculator(sents)
with utils.create_write_file(config.DICTIONARY_DIR + '/{}_idf_dict.txt'.format(self.type)) as fw:
idf_dict_tuple = sorted(idf_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
for key, value in idf_dict_tuple:
print('{}\t{}'.format(key, value), file=fw)
with utils.create_read_file(config.DICTIONARY_DIR + '/{}_idf_dict.txt'.format(self.type)) as fr:
idf_dict = {}
for line in fr:
line = line.strip().split('\t')
idf_dict[line[0]] = float(line[1])
self.unigram_dict = idf_dict
word_keys = sorted(idf_dict.keys(), reverse=True)
self.word2index = {word: i for i, word in enumerate(word_keys)}
def extract(self, train_instance):
sent = train_instance.get_sent(self.type)
feats = utils.sparse_vectorize(sent, self.unigram_dict, self.word2index, self.convey)
infos = [len(self.unigram_dict), 'tf']
feats = Feature._feat_dict_to_string(feats)
return feats, infos
- 将数据分成5折,四份做train,一份做test
- 将得到的每一份test进行合并,得到数据集大小的用于stack的训练数据stack_train
- 训练stack的分类器
Steps: 1和2. => model.cross_validation, 写入model.output_file 3. => model.train() 训练一个分类器
在测试阶段,将用5份数据训练好的1级分类器测试得到第一部分结果,再通过二级分类器得到最终结果, model.test会自动完成:
elif isinstance(feature_class, Model): if dev: feature_class.test(train_instances, train_file) feature_string = feature_class.load_model_score(train_file) else: ''' seperate to train for speed up ''' # feature_class.train(train_instances, train_file) feature_string = feature_class.load_model_score(train_file)
- ./eval.py gold_file predict_file
- ./error_analysis.py gold_file predict_file output_file 按csv格式保存到output_file
- ./statistic.py 用于数据统计
- ./test.py 将生成的prob变成json格式
- ./test_super.py 将最后的结果进行ensemble,并输出
数据集为NLPCC 2017 Shared Task2 官方数据: https://github.com/FudanNLP/nlpcc2017_news_headline_categorization 我们整理的数据: 百度云盘(176MB) http://pan.baidu.com/s/1nu8hUhb