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ftlftw edited this page Jun 17, 2013 · 10 revisions

List of known parsing bugs and/or ambiguities:

  1. Old goko logs misattribute who is doing the trashing during trashing attacks.

[P1] plays Thief

[P2] reveals Estate, Copper

[P1] trashes Copper

  1. Ambiguity with Counterfeit+Spoils

[P1] plays Counterfeit

[P1] plays Spoils

[P1] plays Spoils

Did the player counterfeit the spoils, returning it, or play two spoils separately, returning both? Probably the former, but can't tell.

  1. Ambiguity with Death Cart/Band of Misfits

[P1] plays Band of Misfits

[P1] chooses Death Cart

[P1] plays Death Cart

[P1] trashes Death Cart

Did they trash a Death Cart from their hand, or the Band of Misfits that was played as a Death Cart?

  1. Ambiguity with Band of Misfits/Urchin

[P1] plays Band of Misfits

[P1] chooses Urchin

[P1] plays Urchin

[P1] plays Urchin

[P1] plays Urchin

[P1] trashes Urchin

What has been trashed - an Urchin or a BoM as urchin?

  1. Durations. Old goko logs would miscount durations that were still in play at the end of the game.

  2. Trader. Old Goko logs don't properly report Trader gaining silver.

[P1] Plays Witch

[P2] Reveals reaction trader

[P2] Gains curse

Goko plays it correctly, just recorded it wrong.

  1. Likewise, Goko has sometimes listed Feasts and Horns of Plenty as being trashed when they actually weren't.

  2. Band of Misfits as a duration on the last turn of the game doesn't revert to BoM in some logs for game summarization.

  3. KC-ed knights can get listed as being trashed multiple times if they reveal multiple knights.

  4. Procession-BoM-as-Procession chains confuse my log parsing. This is my bug, not theirs, but it's not solvable via line-by-line parsing.

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