- User should have a portal
- Users should have the ability to add their income, expense budget, savings and investment data.
- Users should be able to add daily expenses, and that should be deducted from the expense budget.
- Users should be able to visualize what portion of their budget is used.
- Able to view their monthly/ weekly/ daily expenditure list with filters of date and category.
- User should get email notification if their budget is getting really low (Optional)
- User should be able to add email reminder for their loan (Optional)
- Able to export reports in desired format. You can give any number of formats like pdf, xlsx, csv. (Optional)
- little bit of code clean up and refactoring left
- Railway App
Technology stack used
- Nest JS
- React JS
- Tailwind css
- Prisma orm
- mongodb database
- Typescript (for both frontend + backend)
Libraries and tools
- Zustand (for state management)
- SendInBlue api (for sending emails)
- jsonwebtoken (for jwt authentication and authorization)
- @tremor (ui library for building dashboard quickly)
- moment.js (for formatting date and time properly)
$ yarn install
# development
$ yarn run start
# watch mode
$ yarn run start:dev
# production mode
$ yarn run start:prod