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Lecture 05

Dániel Stein edited this page May 28, 2015 · 3 revisions

Behavioral Modeling Languages

categorized in different ways

  • properties
  • requirements : not the whole possibilities
  • system scenarios
  • analysis

(Statemate = original formalization of statcharts)

Characteristics of Dynamic Languages

  • Specification
    • unambiguity: there are no undefined or ambiguos (ie. that can be understood/interpreted multiple ways) parts in declaration (egyértelmű)
    • consistency: no contradicting requirements (ellentmondás mentes)
    • completeness: did not forget important parts
  • Time
    • untimed
    • discrete: the range of time is taken from the natural (?) numbers.
    • continuous: the range of time is taken from the real numbers.
  • Communication
    • synchronous: communication driven by a clock
    • asynchronous: the different processes are driven by a message queue
  • Determinism
    • stochastic: distribution about probability selection
    • deterministic
  • Causality
    • causal: from number of independent variables calculate an other/dependent one
    • non-causal
  • Analysis
    • complete/incomplete: (free of flaws) a complete analysis answers yes or no, an incomplete analysis may answer yes, no, or I don't know, so it may not give you the answer
    • approximative/exact - Does the result have an error margin?

Property Specification Languages

  • requirements: Either in structured text of with modeling notations.
  • scenarios: specify permitted/forbidden executed paths (that is, a queue of states)

[ÁBRA - Szerintem ide am. nem kell ábra, Formális módszereken simán vettünk ilyeneket - FR]

State-based Languages

Like in a finite automaton : states, transitions, events, actions, etc. Hierarchy of states, history.

Data-flow Language

Processes with activities, communicating through channels (tokens/messages in queues), e.g.: Activity Diagrams, Petri Nets. The activity trigger is that there is data to be processed.

Event-based Rule Languages

  • core concept is event (atomic, complex …)
  • the system response(responds?) to events specified by rules; precondition/action specifies
  • intended to be used by the domain user and not the software engineer

~controlled natural language

Agent-based languages

  • real-life entities/agents with connections (e.g. FB users / profiles)
    • plus behaviour
    • plus space, mobility
    • plus environment - assumptions about the environment; eg. mobile phone in low temperature (???)

Continous-time Languages

  • e.g. simulink, described with block diagram

Dynamic Metamodeling in DSE

  • complete static metamodels with dynamic and execution trace metamodels. (log, that could replay the execution)
  • UML specifications do this in plain English. [ábra a slide-ról]

Statecharts from Modeling Reactive Behavior

  • state-based behavior modeling [definition]
    • static part is the possible states
    • dynamic part is the currently selected/active state
  • interleaving: there is no way, that two systems do something at the same time, unless it is synchronized
  • statecharts = states + transitions
    • concrete state: I'm 4 year-old
    • abstract state: since I'm 4, I'm a child (e.g. child-adult - senior abstract states)
    • Also, states can be placed in hierarchy [kép]

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