Load pages from a database table to make application more dynamic.
###Important Notes:
Fuel versions prior to version 1.1 use \Uri::detect()
Fuel version 1.1 now uses \Input::uri();
To correct this for the version you are using edit classes/dbpage.php line numbers 88 and 89
*** Important - The default is set to version 1.1
All routes will work as normal apart from must set the default _404_ routes to your_page_controller/index:
'_root_' => 'your-page-controller/index', // The default route for the home page is optional
'_404_' => 'your-page-controller/index', // The main 404 route MUST BE SET!
You can add any other routes you require as normal for example:
'admin' => 'admin/admin',
'contact' => 'contact',
'blog/:day/:month/:year' => 'blog/entry',
* Store website page contents in a database for easy management
* Automatically installs
* Load page data with one call
* Add a new page by passing an array
* Add a new page by setting the class variables
* Update a page by setting the class variables and passing the page id
* Update a page by passing the page id and an array
* Delete a page by passing the page id
* Delete a page by passing the page name
The first time you call DbPage::load() it checks to see if the it is installed if not this package automatically creates a table for you - Default: pages
###Basic usage example:
You have two options you can autoload the package in config:
'always_load' => 'packages' => array( array('dbpage'), ),
or load it in your cms controller like so
Calling DbPage::load() will automatically create the table if it doesn't exist.
// This sets the header response normally 200 unless page not found then it's set to 404
$this->response->status = DbPage::$response_status;
$this->template->title = DbPage::$meta_title;
$this->template->keywords = DbPage::$meta_keywords;
$this->template->description = DbPage::$meta_description;
$data['page_content'] = DbPage::$content;
// You should have something like <?php echo html_entity_decode($page_content)."\n"; ?> in your page/index view
$this->template->content = View::factory('page/index', $data);