Welcome to Kronos.
The persistent job scheduling library for kotlin multiplatform.
Published on maven central
suspend fun main() {
mongoConnectionString = "mongodb://localhost:27017",
redisConnectionString = "redis://localhost:6379"
//Register a Job
//Schedule a one time job
startTime = Instant.now().plusSeconds(60).toEpochMilli(),
params = mapOf(
"firsName" to "Funyin",
"lastName" to "Kash"
//Schedule a periodic job an get back the jobId
val jobId = Kronos.schedulePeriodic(
jobName = SayHello.name,
// startTime = Instant.now().plusSeconds(60).toEpochMilli(),
periodic = Periodic.everyMinute(),
// periodic = Periodic.everyHour(minute = 5),
// periodic = Periodic.everyWeek(dayOfWeek = 7, hour = 4, minute = 2),
// periodic = Periodic.everyMonth(dayOfMonth = 12, hour = 4, minute = 2),
// periodic = Periodic.everyYear(month = 1, dayOfMonth = 7, hour = 4, minute = 2),
params = mapOf(
"firsName" to "Funyin",
"lastName" to "Kash"
//Drop Job By Id
jobId?.let { Kronos.dropJobId(it) }
//Drop Job By Name
jobId?.let { Kronos.dropJob(SayHello.name) }
delay(1000 * 60 * 7)
object SayHello : Job {
override val name: String
get() = "say-hello"
override val retries: Int
get() = 2
override suspend fun execute(cycleNumber: Int, params: Map<String, Any>): Boolean {
super.execute(cycleNumber, params)
println("Hello ${params["firsName"]} ${params["lastName"]} $cycleNumber")
return true
Kronos is Licenced by Apache 2.0 Licence