I'm Furkan, with a passion for iOS development. Welcome to my GitHub profile!
- 🔭 I’m currently working on improving my Swift skills and building iOS applications.
- 🌱 I’m constantly learning and exploring new technologies in the iOS ecosystem.
- 📫 How to reach me: furkannyildirimm@hotmail.com
Here are some of my notable projects:
- Music App: This is a music application developed using the Swift programming language. The application allows users to play music, discover songs, and utilize various features.
- News App: This project is developed in Swift language to build a news application using the NYTimes API. The application retrieves news articles from NYTimes and displays them to the users.
- Yummie Clone
Feel free to explore my repositories for more projects and contributions!
- Email: furkannyildirimm@hotmail.com
- LinkedIn: Furkan Yıldırım
Let's connect and collaborate on exciting iOS projects!